
Hi, my name is Alexander Churbakov and I’m a fullstack JS developer!

I have more than 3 years of web development experience using different technologies such as mean stack, vuejs loopback d3 and various small libraries. I have experience of working on projects having SQL as well as noSQL solutions under the hood. I mastered frontend using HTML and CSS preprocessors, webpack, gulp and more.
However, in my opinion, the main skill of a developer is the ability to create scalable and maintainable applications, follow SOLID principles and database design principles. And I believe I posses this skill. Team player. But capable of working individually. I can guarantee that I always will be there when you need me providing a 100% feedback from my side.

Looking forward to working with you!

We are looking forward to meeting you on our website soshace.com

Interview with Ilya

My name is Ilya / and I’m a professional JavaScript developer / with experience in both / front-end and back-end Areas. For over 3 years,/ I’ve been doing web development using popular frameworks / such as Angular, Meteor, Node.js and the other related technologies.

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