Security, Frameworks, Mobile Dev, Python, WordPress Podcasts - Part 3
Security, Frameworks, Mobile Dev, Python, WordPress Podcasts – Part 3

This is the third blog posts on web development podcasts. Other parts are here: JavaScript and React — Part 1, Interviews, Open Source — Part 2.

Part 4: Broad Topics


Security Nowhttps://twit.tv/shows/security-now
Twitter: n/a
Number of Seasons: Ep 709
Creators/Hosts: Steve Gibson, Leo Laporte
Add-on Stuff: audio, video
Duration per episode: 120 min
Rotation: weekly, Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, Steve Gibson, a guy behind the term “spyware,” as well as a creator of Spinrite and ShieldsUP, discusses the hot topics in security. The last episode was dedicated to browser tracking, governmental control, improvements in Windows 10 update management, and, of course, Facebook.

Thug Crowsthugcrowd.com
Twitter: @thugcrowd
Number of Seasons: Ep 51
Creators/Hosts: n/a
Add-on Stuff: audio, video
Duration per episode: >60 min
Rotation: disorderly (3-4 times per month)

These guys are from infosec, hacking, DFIR, pentesting, and game development. There’s a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode that everything they are about to say is fictional (yeah, right) and no one should try and repeat what they are talking about. It’s a very weird podcast but if you’re into hacking and infosec, then maybe this is for you.


Twitter: @toolsday
Number of Seasons: Ep 92
Creators/Hosts: Una, Chris Dhanaraj
Add-on Stuff: resources
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: on average 2 times per month

The funny thing about this podcast is that every time an episode starts, the host sings about today’s topic. The last topic was about interviewing, where Una and Chris talked about their experience interviewing for IBM and Netflix. Recently covered topics include React Hooks, new things in CSS, and Gatsby.js.

Mobile Dev

More Than Just Code – http://mtjc.fm
Twitter: @mtjc_podcast
Number of Seasons: Ep 249
Creators/Hosts: Jaime Lopez Jr, Mark E Rubin, Tim Mitra, Greg Heo, Tammy Coron.
Add-on Stuff: links
Duration per episode: >60 min
Rotation: weekly

The show is about mobile development. Each week the hosts are joined together to discuss iOS and Mac development. The topics covered are current issues in mobile development, apps people are building, advice to other developers, and other valuable tech tips. Recently, the hosts discussed Why ‘ji32k7au4a83’ is a remarkably common password (really?), Apple’s apology to podcasters, iPhone X problems, tools for Two Factor Authentication, and many more.

iPhreaks Podcast – iphreaksshow.com
Twitter: @iphreaks
Number of Seasons: Ep 259
Creators/Hosts: Andrew Madsen, Guilherme Rambo
Add-on Stuff: links (but some episodes are missing those)
Duration per episode: >60 min
Rotation: weekly, Thursdays (although there was a huge gap in broadcasting)

Every week there’s a different speaker sharing his knowledge and expertise on all things mobile. The recent guests were Mohammad Azam, a Full Stack Immersive Web Instructor at DigitalCrafts and a Udemy instructor, Abbey Jackson, a senior software engineer at Mastercard fraud detection, and from previous ‘season’ Yonas Kolb, an open source developer (XcodeGen, Mint, and Beak).


Python Podcasts
Python Podcasts

Talk Python To Mehttps://talkpython.fm
Twitter: @TalkPython
Number of Seasons: Ep 206
Creators/Hosts: Michael Kennedy
Add-on Stuff: links
Duration per episode: 45 min
Rotation: weekly

Every week the host talks to different people in the Python community about everything related to Python programming language, as well as many other related topics, like Angular, DevOps, MongoDB, etc. The podcast also features courses on Python, like Mastering PyCharm, Async Techniques in Python, and Python Intensive (100 Days of Code), with prices ranging from 40 dollars. The latest episode was with Michael Herman, who now runs testdriven.io, who talked about Running Django in production and tradeoffs of a set of microservices, and other

Python Byteshttps://pythonbytes.fm
Twitter: @pybites
Number of Seasons: Ep 124
Creators/Hosts: Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken
Add-on Stuff: shownotes, links
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: weekly

This podcast is about Python developer news: the hosts look for interesting topics to talk about by ravaging through twitter, reddit, other news sources, and delivering the gist of it on a weekly basis.

Test and Codehttps://testandcode.com/
Twitter: @testpodcast
Number of Seasons: Ep 71
Creators/Hosts: Brian Okken
Add-on Stuff: links
Duration per episode: 50 min
Rotation: weekly

This weekly podcast is dedicated to software testing and Python, including Python packaging, tox, pytest, and unittest. Some of the topics are language agnostic, though, meaning they cover a broad range of other web development issues like DevOps, public speaking, feature testing, NoSQL databases, etc. The last episode featured Nina Zaharenko talking about giving tech talks and overcoming a fear of public speaking.


Django Chathttps://djangochat.com/
Twitter: @ChatDjango
Number of Seasons: Ep 7
Creators/Hosts: Will Vincent and Carlton Gibson
Add-on Stuff: shownotes
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: weekly

This is a new podcast dedicated to Django Framework. It’s aimed to be primarily educational, and speakers are more than professional in mentoring: Will Vincent is the author of two books on Django and many tutorials at wsvincent.com. Carlton Gibson is a Django Fellow and a core contributor to Django REST Framework. In the last episode, hosts are joined by Tim Graham, who has played a major part in Django’s advancement over the last four years.

PHP / WordPress

Post Status Draft Podcasthttps://poststatus.com
Twitter: @post_status
Number of Seasons: >50
Creators/Hosts: Brian Krogsgard and Brian Richards
Add-on Stuff: description of an episode
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: disorderly, once every few months

Every other month, the hosts are joined by speakers who talk about everything WordPress related and beyond. The last episode featured Anil Gupta talking about building Multidots – a company doing enterprise web development.

North Meets South Web Podcast http://www.northmeetssouth.audio
Twitter: @northsouthaudio
Number of Seasons: Ep 56
Creators/Hosts: Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda
Add-on Stuff: showlinks
Duration per episode: 60 min
Rotation: disorderly, once a month on average

The podcast is largely about maintainable code and Laravel, however, some topics are discussed as well, like web sockets implementations, refactoring legacy code, introducing tests, scaling infrastructure, and even time management.

Laravel News – https://laravel-news.com/category/podcast
Twitter: @laravelnews
Number of Seasons: Ep 80
Creators/Hosts: Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda
Add-on Stuff: showlinks
Duration per episode: 60 min
Rotation: once a month (Tuesdays)

This podcast is all about Laravel. The last episode was dedicated to Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Master Mindhttp://mastermind.fm
Twitter: n/a
Number of Seasons: Ep 107
Creators/Hosts: Mark Zahra, Jean Galea
Add-on Stuff: shownotes, links
Duration per episode: 40 min
Rotation: disorderly

Jean and Mark are WordPress developers who started the podcast to feature the growing number of WordPress entrepreneurs. Each episode covers a particular topic in WordPress development, from Plugins to SEO research, etc. Recently featured guests include Asif Rahman, Joshua Hardwick, Michiel Heijmans, etc.


Adventures in Angular – https://devchat.tv/adv-in-angular/
Twitter: @angularpodcast
Number of Seasons: Ep 234
Creators/Hosts: Alyssa Nicoll, Aaron Frost, Joe Eames, and sometimes others.
Add-on Stuff: links
Duration per episode: 50 min
Rotation: weekly, every Tuesday

In some of the episodes hosts are talking among themselves and at other times —  are joined by guests (among the latest were Andrew Evans, Vitali Bobrov, Tomas Trajan, and Jennifer Wadella), who are discussing everything around Angular framework, including the importance of learning RxJS, deploying to Firebase, source maps in Angular, etc.


Ruby Rogueshttps://devchat.tv/ruby-rogues/
Twitter: @rubyrogues
Number of Seasons: Ep 407
Creators/Hosts: Charles Max Wood and others
Add-on Stuff: links
Duration per episode: 50 min
Rotation: weekly, every Tuesday

The panel discusses a particular subject related to Ruby every week and is sometimes joined by other special guests. Among the recent featured were Lori Olson, Sean Handley, Stefan Wintermeyer, and others.


Freelance showfreelancersshow.com
Twitter: @freelancershow
Number of Seasons: 1. Ep 37
Creators/Hosts: Jeremy Green, Erik Dietrich, Reuven Lerner
Add-on Stuff: shownotes, transcripts
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: weekly, Tuesday

If you’re a freelance web developer and is interested in everything freelance related, then this podcast is for you. The topics discussed include getting paid, client scheduling and pricing, building your freelance business, and more.

Building React Components Using Children Props and Context API

React provides a number of powerful patterns to compose components; for example, Containment, Specialization, and Render Props. Today we’ll dive into the Containment pattern which, on the surface, looks like an easy-to-understand interface — but the example provided in React docs doesn’t have an explicit explanation of how to pass data from the parent container to its children.

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