We will learn how to utilize DevTools in debugging React. Let’s get started.
React Lesson 4: Homework. Decorators and Mixins
As we saw in the previous article, decorators are just the Higher-Order components that add extra functionality to the passed component and return a new enhanced component. Before we get to our homework, let’s dive deep and understand how decorators and mixins work.
Handling Side Effects in Redux: Redux-Saga
In this article, we will be covering the handling of side-effects in Redux. This article assumes you have knowledge of React and a bit of Redux.
Full List of JavaScript Conferences 2020 [41 Events] Updated 28.08.2020
If you’re looking at the conferences to attend in 2020, this is the full list for you (minus November/December 2020, because those have not been announced yet, so check it back later for those).
Apollo Client and Local State Management
You probably already knew about this option when following the Apollo Docs, maybe you’ve even built apps with it. This article aims to give you a little taste of how to use GraphQL queries with an Apollo server to manage the state of your App.
React Advanced: The Tiniest Recap — See What You’ve Missed
Here’s the shortest recap of the event that happened last week, Oct 23-25, in London, namely React Advanced.
NextJS Tutorial: Getting Started with NextJS
In this article, we’ll tackle one of those solutions, namely NextJS, cover the differences between NextJS and other available frameworks, answer some frequently asked questions about NextJS, as well as help you get started with this framework.
JSX vs HTML: Overview + Answers to FAQs
Let’s talk about the JSX as opposed to HTML. We’ll brush over the basics of JSX, overview the main differences between JSX and HTML, and finish with some frequently asked questions about particular issues often encountered when writing JSX.
Contentful+Gatsby = Smarter content management
In this article, we’ll explain how to integrate Contentful, a CMS with a blog built with Gatsby, a fast framework based on React.
Best Udemy Online Courses to Learn JavaScript, React, Angular, and Node [Only Those Updated in 2019]
In case you’re looking for complete, detailed, high-rated Udemy courses covering subjects like web development, JavaScript, React, Node, or Angular, then this article is a goldmine of suggestions for some of the best courses on Udemy.