
Use when you want to select between different algorithms in the process of task resolving. So basically all that you need to realize this pattern are strategies (each of them in the separated component/class, but with the same interface) and strategy selector (decides what strategy is more effective at the moment and uses it).

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Code Style

The main things that I would like to draw your attention to:
1) The names variables and methods should be clear and concise, don’t skimp on characters.
2) Methods should not exceed 30-40 lines, they are intended for solving a single specific task, and poor methods do everything.

Vagrant Tutorial

From my experience many times customers asked me to install new environment for myself, help newbies to set the same environment. Another case was to upgrade software packages, e.g. Postgres 5.4 to 5.5. These tasks are not the complexity of ‘rocket science’ but if you are front-end developer it can take much of your time. The best is to give DevOps work to DevOps engineers.

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