16 Best Web Development & Web Design Blogs
16 Best Web Development & Web Design Blogs

I can totally relate to the hardships of finding new blogs to read. If you’re looking for new people or blogs to follow, then this article will certainly throw in some ideas on the latest (and sometimes oldest but, nevertheless, regularly updated) resources on web development and design. I’ve searched online, asked my fellow developers for suggestions, and just simply included a few of the blogs I’ve already happened to know. In case you have a say here or write a perfect blog, drop me a message, and we’ll write about you too in the next articles. If you’re interested in newsletters, then check out our piece on Best Web Dev Newsletters, and if you’re into podcasts, then you’ll find our series on Podcasts quite useful as well.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/speckyboy
Creator: https://twitter.com/Paul4ndrew
Theme: design
Updated: regularly updated

Speckyboy started back in 2007 as an inspirational hub for designers. When technologies became more advanced and sophisticated, Speckyboy evolved into a full-fledged design magazine, which readers can rely on for their share of design-related news, latest trends, graphics, web design tutorials, inspirational collections, insightful tips, and more.

The team behind the Speckyboy magazine slash design blog is truly outstanding. Paul Andrew is the editor of Speckyboy, he’s spent countless years in web design and now puts all his energy into writing and editing stuff about the latest web design trends and solutions. Paul is fascinated with Star Wars and Lego, so if you come up with any related content, chances are it was curated by Paul. Then there’s Eric Krakovack, who also serves as an editor, as well as a writer and an expert on all things WordPress.

Themes covered are pretty extensive: from everything design-related, like Bootstrap, CSS, Illustrator, typography, motion design, Photoshop to JavaScript, interviews with web designers, or individual designer stories about their own experiences in the industry.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/cssauthor
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

This is another design blog/website, although some of the development subjects are also covered. Since the website’s inception back in 2012, the community has slowly but steadily grown around it.

You’ll find free PSD design resources, daily design inspirations, articles, roundups, tutorials on the latest web design and development trends. The team behind the blog finds and offers the best quality freebies for the design community, like web design freebies, UI kits, mockups, icons, and more.

The content is neatly organized into five categories, among those are freebies (templates, icons, wallpaper), resources (inspiration, dev tools, UI design, etc.), CMS (Blogger, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, Tumblr), coding (CSS, HTML, JS, JQuery, PHP), and WordPress themes and plugins.

There’s a whole bunch of super delightful mockups pulled out aside from the main Categories, featuring mockups for advertising purposes, different devices, food mockups, posters, and scene creators. Anyway, for a passionate web designer, there’s a lot of valuable information to digest here.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/designshack
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

This is one of the oldest design resources we’ll cover in this article, having been established in 2003, Design Shack has gained enormous popularity in the design and developer community and has established itself as a regularly updated resource of detailed articles on graphic design, business, mobile, UX, typography, etc. There’s a special design gallery featuring inspiring design work with branding, web, and interface design examples.

The team behind Design Shack includes Carrie Cousins, who’s been with Design Shack for over a decade, then Roshan Perera, a blogger and freelance writer with years of experience in digital marketing, web design, and UX, and David Appleyard, who manages the site, works on new features, and does everything else behind the scenes.

There are a number of categories to choose from, from something pretty obvious like CSS and UX Design to Accessibility, Interviews, JavaScript, PHP, and Reviews.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/css
Creator: https://twitter.com/chriscoyier
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

CSS Tricks, Chris Coyier’s mastermind project, kicked off in 2007, and at first, was primarily about CSS and HTML, but then expanded to embrace other subjects like JavaScript, WordPress; and as Chris’s knowledge in front-end technologies grew, so did the stuff he covered in his articles.

Later, other writers, including guests, have joined in to contribute their knowledge and expertise on web design and development. Some other people on the team, besides Chris, include Andy Admas, a technical writer, and WordPress aficionado, Sarah Dresner, a UX Smelter and Code Forger, Robin Rendle, a writer and type nerd.

There are seven categories in the top menu, including a section for Articles, Videos, Snippets, Newsletter, Jobs, Guides, and so-called Almanac, which is a huge reference guide to the many features of CSS. In the Guides section, you’ll find a collection of articles on a particular subject like web components, CSS Custom Properties, Typography, etc.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/codrops
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

Codrops, just like any other blog on the internet, started as an exciting playground for sharing a passion for design and development but was destined to become much more than that. Now, it’s a full-fledged web design and development blog dedicated to the latest industry trends, techniques, possibilities.

In the Tutorial section, you’ll find in-depth how-tos involving common web development and web design techniques, for example, on using PixiJS, creating animations with Three.js, image effects with WebGL, etc.

In the Playground section, you’ll find experiments, plugins, and articles presenting new ideas and inspiration for solving problems and tackling various design and development challenges creatively.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/codinghorror
Creator: Jeff Atwood
Theme: web development
Updated: once every few months

Jeff Atwood started the Coding Horror blog back in 2004 and it changed his life. The blog was quickly becoming popular and as a result, he met other web developers in the community, Joel Spolsky (whom we’ll cover in a moment) in particular, moved out to California, where he now presently resides with his wife and three kids. Back in 2008, Jeff co-founded StackOverflow, which then developed into the whole new Stack Exchange Network of Q&A sites that cover all types of topics besides the development. However, in 2012, Jeff left StackOverflow to spend more time with his family. Nevertheless, in 2013 he decided to continue his web development adventures and started working on Discourse open-source discussion platform, on which he continues to work till these days.

But anyway, back to the blog.

Jeff blogs about everything that happens in his professional life, things he observes, has an opinion on, shares statistics, provides an in-depth analysis, and just simply blogs about the current state of events in web development.

This is a fun read at times, at other times — very serious. In any case, Jeff writes as though he talks to you, which means the style of writing is conversational, easy to follow, enjoyable, and lighthearted.

He has a few sections on his blog, including Markdown Tutorial page, and Recommended Readings, where he features the books he read over the years and those he’d recommend anyone to read in the developer and designer community.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/onextrapixel
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

Onextrapixel is one of the leading online magazines for designers and developers operating out of Singapore since 2009. The portal covers industry guidelines, tips, tricks, case studies, design and development resources, recommendations on related articles on the web, etc. There are not many categories on this one: inspiration, design, graphics, freebies, CSS. Plus, there’s a section for deals with coupons and discounts for various designish things. This is mainly a design resource, yet from time to time, you’ll see articles on web development as well. Definitely worth checking out.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidwalshblog
Creator: David Walsh
Theme: web development
Updated: regularly

David Walsh, a creator of the eponymous blog, is a web developer, software engineer, and evangelist from Mozilla. Apart from writing on his blog, he also guest-posts at other resources, organizes meetups and participates in conferences throughout the continent. David also happens to be the Core Developer for the MooTools JavaScript Framework, and a founder of Script &Style and Wynq Web Labs.

David updates his blog on a regular basis, so there’s always something new on the blog every week. He blogs on a variety of subjects: from JavaScript to CSS to Node. There are a number of categories on the blog, from popular features and topics to tutorials to demos.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/smashingmag
Creator: Vitaly Friedman & Sven Lennartz
Theme: design and development
Updated: regularly

Smashing Magazine is perhaps the most popular and well-known resource on web design and development on the Internet. It’s updated regularly, has been around for almost 12 years, has published more than 3,000 articles since then, published its own books, has its own conferences, so it’s a huge resource with a lot of following around it. There are membership types available starting from 3 dollars to 9 dollars a month. For example, for 5 dollars a month, you’ll end up with the recordings of all webinars, early access to tickets and books, access to Smashing TV, big discounts on printed books, job postings, video courses, etc. All of the articles posted on the blog are long reads riddled with tiniest possible details, practical and theoretical advice.


Twitter: http://twitter.com/sitepointdotcom
Creator: Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz
Theme: design + development
Updated: regularly

Sitepoint has been around since 1999, so it’s one of those long-livers of the Internet. Founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz, also founders of 99designs and Flippa, investors, advisors, pretty heavy guys in the industry. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of articles published since 1999 with everything neatly organized by category from HTML&CSS to PHP, Mobile, Design, and even articles on entrepreneurship. There’s a community section where you can ask a question, as well as a library with books and courses, to which you’d have to purchase a premium subscription for 9 dollars a month.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/spolsky
Creator: Joel Spolsky
Theme: web development
Updated: every other month

Joel created his blog back in 2000, so he’s been blogging for more than 19 years already, having published more than 1,000 articles on everything related to software, web development, and his master projects and companies he created. Joel is the co-founder and CEO of Stack Overflow (although that’s about to change), co-founder of Fog Creek Software, creator of FogBugz and Trello. Unfortunately, Joel is stepping down from the position of CEO at StackOverflow, mainly because it’s time for him to move on but also because there are new challenges of inclusivity and diversity that he had not been able to tackle and decided to delegate this specific mission to someone else from the community.

Anyway, back to the blog. Among the earlier posts on his blog, Joel used to write a lot of laid back tutorials with quirky and squeaky titles, as well as practical advice on career, personal stories from over the years of Joel traveling, meeting people, reading books, etc. It’s a wonderful blog beautifully and engagingly written. So check it out.


Twitter: http://twitter.com/shanselman
Creator: Scott Hanselman
Theme: web development
Updated: regularly

Scott is a programmer, speaker, teacher, who’s been blogging since the beginning of time (just kidding), but it’s been for quite a while already. You can take a look at his first blog posted dated April 21, 2002. Quite a stretch. Now, Scott works from home for the Web Platform Team at Microsoft. He mainly blogs about software, web development, diversity, culture, code, the web, everything that remotely or closely relates to the Internet. He actually has three podcasts and one Youtube channel. Scott defines himself as an early adopter, he ran Tweak Computer Support BBS, he has co-authored a couple of books, has some weird hobbies (in case you wanna check them out, feel free to read about Scott here https://www.hanselman.com/about/). We’ve covered Scott in out podcasts series, so if you’re interested in podcasts, in particular, feel free to check out the whole series: Web Development Podcasts.


Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/alistapart
Theme: design
Updated: regularly

A List Apart began as a mailing list in 1997, then launched its own website in 1998. Since then it has grown into the biggest web design hub of somewhat formal literature on web design and development, exploring not only its content but its meaning as well. If you want to learn more about the history of the resource, you’re welcome to check out it’s so-called “crown of its cranium’ blog post. Although that might sound a little presumptuous, still it’s one of those resources you can’t really live without today. A List Apart is so cool, it coined the word “responsive design,” which every single one of you uses daily, right? A List Apart is a little bit like New Yorker for designers and developers. The categories covered are extensively immense: code, content, design, industry-specific features and news, process, user experience. In any case, if you’re one of those well-educated designers striving for excellence and style, this resource is definitely for you.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/scotch_io
Creator: Chris Sevilleja
Theme: web development
Updated: regularly

Chris, the creator and founder of Scotch.io is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. Along with other writers and contributors to his blog, he regularly posts web development news, fun and practical tutorials and advice. There are several sections on the blog including Courses, Tutorials, News, Community, Jobs, Free Tools, as well as a few other categories comprised of Newsletter, Shop, Code Challenges, and even Glossary. You can also search for articles by technology, such as React, Vue, Angular, Laravel, or by the language like Python and JavaScript. You can sign up for the web development courses for 20 bucks a month, this way you’ll get access to all courses.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/codecondoltd
Updated: regularly

Codecondo is another blog for IT professionals in design, development, even business. Basically, it’s a potpourri of various articles on making a site for a startup to financial web design trends and understanding youtube algorithms, you get the idea. Anyone can contribute a valuable piece, so if you’re interested in publishing your technical articles, Codecondo might be the place.


Creator: John Sonmez
Theme: web development
Updated: regularly

John, the founder of Simple Programmer, also happens to be an author of a couple of books on soft skills and career advice for developers. He started Simple Programmer back in 2009 as a personal blog, but it quickly gained the following and embraced other professionals who started contributing to the blog on a regular basis, so Simple Programmer is no longer just about one guy. As John says, the goal behind the platform is not only to help developers become productive but also improve in many other areas of their lives. Besides programming, career, and life advice, John has a free course on blogging, a number of youtube videos and podcast episodes where he had conversations with other fellow developers, and so on. So, check it out, it certainly a fun place for a number of reasons. I mean, look at this guy ->

John Sonmez
John Sonmez

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7 Replies to “16 Best Web Development & Web Design Blogs”

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