
UX Engineers and the Skills They Need

In this article, we’ll explore the inner workings of the UX engineering sphere: who are UX engineers? Which skills do they need? Would this job be the right fit for you? Let’s find out.


Basic Prototype Design

For the purposes of this article, we’ll concentrate on using prototypes in design. We’ll cover definitions of a design process and prototyping, explain the different types of prototypes, as well as make a few suggestions on how to start prototyping.


The Concept of Scope in JavaScript

Scopes as used in many programming languages defines how accessible variables, functions or objects are. In this article, we’d get to understand how scopes are used in Javascript


Technical Writing: Practical & Theoretical Advice

If you’re looking for ways to get a tech writing job or would like to improve your existing technical writing skills, then this article might be of great help. Herein, you’ll learn the definition of tech writing, different types of tech copy, tips on how to write effectively, how to ace tech writing, where and what exactly you should study, and how to break into the industry.