
Learn how to deploy an ML model to the web

I’ve worked as a web developer for a while, and most times, I’m amazed at how web apps such as Facebook and Instagram are able to detect and recognize objects in images. I reckon a machine learning model like MobileNet makes this possible, but how do you deploy this model to the web?


An Introduction to Pinia: The Alternative State Management Library for Vue.js Applications

The maintenance of the application’s data and ensuring that other components can access and modify the data as necessary depending on state management in Vue.js applications. Because of its component-based architecture, Vue.js comes with a straightforward state management system pre-installed. Yet, developers frequently require increasingly sophisticated state management systems as applications increase in size and complexity.


How to mock a Sequelize database

Sequelize is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Node.js that allows developers to interact with databases using JavaScript. It provides a simple and elegant way to define and manipulate data models that map to relational database tables.


Bootstrap your next Preact application with Bun

In recent times, runtimes like Node.js and Deno have increased in popularity due to their role in revolutionizing the JavaScript ecosystem. However, there is also increased consideration for speed and native features that the runtimes provide, as they aren’t as fast and also do not provide native features for certain actions like bundling, transpiling, and package management.


Implementing a BackgroundRunner with Flask-Executor

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, providing a responsive and user-friendly experience has become paramount for web applications. One common challenge developers face is efficiently handling time-consuming tasks, such as sending emails, without affecting the overall application performance. In this article, I introduce a powerful Flask Email Sender with Background Runner.