
Interview with Sergey

I have been working as a web developer for the last 10 years, and I have experience with many languages and frameworks, including React, Meteor, Node JS, Python, and Ruby on Rails.


Interview with Alexander Troshchenko

I’m a Software Developer with a long history of working in the United States ever since I’ve started my Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology in 2011.


Interview with Igor Mikhalev

My name is Igor and I am Full-Stack Developer. I love coding, and it’s not just a work for me, but some kind of a lifestyle. I have an appropriate education in IT and a deep knowledge of OOP, Functional programming, and Software design patterns.


Interview with Iskander

My name is Iskander and I am a full-stack developer with more than 4 years of experience in developing web applications.
For frontend development, I use Angular and React/Redux. At the backend, I work with Node.js and Java.


Interview with Philipp

I use latest JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React for frontend and Node.js/Express for backend.
However, my personal preference is MEAN stack. It provides quick and organized way to start developing new application. It’s a great tool, that allows you to build powerful and modern apps.


Interview with Alexander

Hello! My name’s Alexander and my core competence is React/Redux stack. I have more than 3 years of professional full time experience as a JavaScript developer. I am also capable of backend development and my favourite technologies for that purpose are Node.js and MongoDB.