
The methods that are covered in this video are flattop, concat/merge, switch, switchMap. Main topic of video is more complex structures – higher order observables. Also we’re going to talk about handling of async stuff inside observables with life example of working with real API.

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About Meteor.js

Today we’ll start some articles’ chain about stack we are using in our every day’s work. We’ve talked about React already and to continue our narrative, here is an interesting technology which we love here in Soshace.

RxJS Introduction

Our today’s topic is a library for working with streams and events. It’s RxJS and it represents the idea of reactive programming. In the simple words, the meaning of this idea semantically is a representation of all operations as the stream, more specifically, as the sequence of events. Programmatically it means for our usage of two patterns: iterator (for establishing of the sequence itself and going through this one) and observer (for changes propagation).

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