
Hello. My name is Roman.
I am a professional full-stack web developer. I’ve been building websites and Web applications for the last 5 years. My main skills are ReactJS, Node.js/Express, Meteor, and D3. UI and UX are also my strong sides. It means that your project will run fast and smoothly on every device, will be mobile-first and pixel perfect. I took part in hundreds of small and large projects all over the world and got high reviews from my clients. I keep enhancing my knowledge every day and use cutting edge technologies for building modern and responsive interfaces with great performance. My workflow is super clear. You can monitor my activity at any moment. I guarantee I’ll direct all my attention to your project details’. I’m sure, we can build something outstanding working together! I’m looking forward for the new offers.

See you soon!

We are looking forward to meeting you on our website soshace.com

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