JS Conferences 2020
JS Conferences 2020

If you’re looking at the conferences to attend in 2020, this is the full list for you (minus November/December 2020, because those have not been announced yet, so check it back later for those).



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@halfstackconf
Location: Phoenix, USA
Dates: Jan 17
Tickets: $275
Prominent speakers: Andrey Sitnik, Charlie Gerard, Alex Blom, Emma Brillhart, Luis Montes, Dylan Schiemann, Christian Heilmann, Jyoti Bishnoi, Paul Shannon, among many others.

We’ll cover a lot of HalfStack events that happen across the globe in 2020, all-around JavaScript and related technologies, so don’t worry if you can’t go to Phoenix in January, there will be literary a ton of events organized by HalfStack this coming year. If you don’t know about it yet, HalfStack is London’s longest-lived JavaScript community and meetup group which has outgrown London and spread all over the place. This one in particular is not going to be huge — only about 170 developers are expected to attend the event, and the tickets won’t cost you an arm and a leg, which is a huge advantage since these events can turn out pretty costly. Nevertheless, despite the tiniest scale, you’ll be exposed to speakers who travel all through the States (and beyond) with the same talks. So you literally don’t have to end up in Amsterdam or New York to reach out for those speakers, but rather attend a local event and still have an opportunity to hang out with some of the brightest minds in the industry.

Here’s what you can expect: an authentic and high-value experience in UI-centric JavaScript and web development. The main shtick of an event is the entertainment and interactivity which communicates that intimate feeling and companionship to all attendees. Among the prominent speakers, you’ll find Andrey Sitnik, who’ll talk about space exploration and how you can learn from the successes and failures of Soviet space programs, which, he argues, is a lot like software development. Jyoti Bishnoi presents a new technological breakthrough, AI-driven virtual hand puppets experienced through AR on the mobile web, Andres Cuervo talks art with WebAssembly and WebXR and go through some bleeding edge and experimental stuff in his talk. Overall, the conference seems like a lot of fun and definitely worth visiting if you happen to be in the area.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@CovalenceConf
Location: San Francisco
Dates: Jan 24
Tickets: $75
Prominent speakers: Shelley Vohr, Jeremy Apthorp

Covalence is an independent and, as they call themselves, hand-crafted single-day, single-track event about building desktop apps with Electron, Node.js, and JavaScript. The main focus, though, is on Electron, but other topics and technologies surrounding building desktop experiences are very welcomed. The audience is mostly developers of large-scale web apps, but newcomers are also very much invited. Call for Papers is still open and the lineup of speakers is yet still to be announced.


JSConf Hawai’i

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@JSConfHi
Location: Honolulu
Dates: February 5-7
Tickets: $825
Prominent speakers: TBA

JSConf Hawaii edition belongs to the family of JSConf events, and this is the conf’s second edition in Hawaii, which plans to bring about 400 developers from all over the country for a three-day single-track conference. Check the website back somewhere around the middle of November for more details on speakers and the event itself.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@nodeAtlanta
Location: Alpharetta
Dates: February 17-21
Tickets: $1,299-2,299

Prominent speakers: Liz Parody, Abdul-Majeed Ahmed, Alec Lombardo, Anna Henningsen, Daniel Khan, Frederic Harper, James Snell, Kamil Mysliwiec, April Wensel, among many others

nodeAtlanta marks its first annual edition this February, and it really looks and feels impressive, although it happens in a while, and the lineup of speakers is not fully announced. Yet, regardless, the event already looks huge spanning over three days with 2 workshop days and three sessions. The workshops will cover NestJS, Full Stack Serverless with React and AWS, Bazel, Microservices and Serverless Development, as well as NodeJS architecture from a security perspective. The schedule for sessions seems already packed with talks on just about everything from compassionate coding, healing in the tech industry, and art of public speaking in STEM to unit testing, building apps with Angular, breaking down various issues in JS, approaching web performance from different angles, among dozens of others yet to be announced. The price of attendance is definitely a huge drawback, but if you can make your company pay, do it.

Frontend Developer Love

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@Frontend_Love
Location: Amsterdam
Dates: February 19-21
Tickets: €249.99 -€1,199.00
Prominent speakers: Yan Cui, Marcus Blankenship, Tony Edwards, Emma Wedekind, Nader Dabit, Callum Macrae, Kye Hohenberger, Evan You, Sarah Dresner, Natalia Tepluhina, among others.

Frontend Developer Love is the biggest JavaScript conference in the Netherlands which brings about 1000 attendees each year from more than fifty countries, with thirty prominent speakers, and three full days literally packed with insightful and progressive talks. If you wonder about the past speakers who attended the event, then among them were Evan You, Sean Larkin, Luca Mezzalira, Michel Westrate, Ives Van Hoorne, Kitze, Sarah Drasner, among many others. The venue is also magnificent with some speakers commenting that Theatre Amsterdam is their favorite venue in the world; the venue, by the way, was booked for some other conferences listed below that we’ll get to in a moment, which gives you the idea that it’s a pretty legendary place. There’s a bunch of famous speakers already announced, so the organizers are definitely cooking up something special. Come back later to the conference’s website for more details and information on talks and topics to be covered. These guys have a separate event, happening around those dates, called Vue.js Amsterdam, so make sure you check that one out as well.

ReactConf AU

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@reactconfau
Location: Sydney
Dates: February 27-28
Tickets: $990.00
Prominent speakers: TBA

This is the best gathering of React professionals and enthusiasts in the Southern Hemisphere organized by Thinkmill, React development and training studio (leader and supporter of major open-source projects such as KeystoneJS, Emotion, react-select; organizer of meetups and local communities). The lineup of speakers has not yet been announced. So check back in a month to see the upcoming schedule and agenda.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@vueconfus
Location: Austin
Dates: March 2-4
Tickets: $895.00-1,395
Prominent speakers: Evan You, Jen Looper, Chris Fritz, Ben Hong, Gregg Pollack

The conference is hosted and organized by the creator of Vue.js and the core team behind the framework. March 2 is the workshop day, March 3-4 are conference days. The full line of speakers is yet to be announced. But so far, those who have already been disclosed look extremely promising. Evan You will dive deep into Vue.js 3.0, Chris Fritz will talk proven patterns for building Vue.js apps, John Leider will cover Vuetify Essentials, among others. Definitely check the site in a month or two for more details.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@NodeTLV
Location: Tel Aviv
Dates: March 3
Tickets: 650 shekels
Prominent speakers: Ruben Bridgewater, Matteo Collina, Daniel Ehrenberg, among others.

This is the first-ever 100% Node.js focused conference in Israel. Since most of the agenda is yet to be announced, it’s still difficult to describe the scale of an event. From what we already know, Ruben Bridgewater, a Node.js core collaborator, and a freelance software architect consultant, will talk about building powerful and easy-to-use APIs for scalable and fast applications. Other announced speakers’ talks are not yet disclosed.

JavaScript fwdays’20

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jsfwdays
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Dates: March 14, 2020
Tickets: 164 – 215 USD
Prominent speakers: Sara Vieira, Chen Hui Jing , Sebastien Chopin, Martin Splitt, Natalia Teplukhina, Stefan Judis

Is JSX required for working with React? How to write abstract component classes using Vue.js? How to deploy an application on Angular? Do these questions look familiar?
We are sure that not only senior devs, but also beginners raise exciting questions.
JavaScript fwdays’20 is a conference that focuses solely on JS developers, brings together 1000 participants, and has been running for 8 years straight. This time we’ve come up with a new optimal structure: one day with as many as 4… no, 5 streams, combined new formats (such as Code Block), progressive Ukrainian and world experts, and an utterly epic party afterward.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@EmberConf
Location: Portland
Dates: March 16-18
Tickets: TBA
Prominent speakers: Godfrey Chan, Jen Weber, Yehuda Katz, etc.

There will be three days of Ember talks, sessions, and training from the Ember Core Team, top community contributors, and users. Since pretty much nothing from the agenda is still on display, you still have time to apply for CFP, scholarships, and diversity opportunities, in case you live somewhere close to Oregon or have any interest in Ember.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@cityjsconf
Location: London
Dates: March 27
Tickets: £89.99
Prominent speakers: TBA

CityJS is a JavaScript Festival across London that gathers all JavaScript meetups, including London JS Community, JS Monthly, Halfstack, and Node User Group. The conference provides a fantastic opportunity to stay in touch and up to date with the industry, your local communities, network; socialize and learn from thought-provoking talks and well-rounded insightful workshops. Speakers and the upcoming agenda are yet to be announced. CFP is still open, so it might be your opportunity to seize the day and apply.

Reactathon 2020

Twitter: https://twitter.com/reactathon
Location: San Francisco, CA
Dates: March 30 – 31, 2020
Tickets: Starting at $599
Prominent speakers: Ryan Florence, Cassidy Williams, Kent C. Dodds, Guillermo Rauch, and more.

Reactathon is a developer conference featuring 2 days of technical talks, networking, workshops, & activities on all things React. It also includes a hiring mixer on Friday, March 27 (and remote hiring mixer for those outside the SF Bay Area). Come hang out with and learn from some of the brightest minds and best speakers in the JS/React community.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ngconf
Location: Salt Lake City
Dates: April 1-3
Tickets: $1299
Prominent speakers: TBA

Ng-conf is the Angular event of the year. Since pretty much nothing is yet available on the details of the event, it’s worth mentioning that the last year’s edition was super packed with prominent speakers, who travel around the globe with their workshops and talks, among those are people from core Angular team at Google, such as Minko Gechev (I bet he’ll be present during this upcoming year), Jeff Cross (former tech lead at Angular Mobile Team at Google), Kara Erickson, Stephen Fluin, Brandon Roberts, and others.

HolyJS Piter

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@HolyJSconf
Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dates: April 10-11
Tickets: TBA
Prominent speakers: TBA

HolyJS in St Petersburg is one of the major JS events that happen in Russia organized by JUG Ru Group, who has separate editions for Moscow and St Pete, where the Moscow edition happens somewhat around December each year and the St Pete one — in April. This is the ninth JS conference which continually gathers the best minds in the industry, experts in their respective fields, talking on everything front-end, but also on the backend and desktop. This year, the organizers expect to convene around 1000 developers, more than 30 speakers with talks and workshops spanning across two full days. Check back later for more details. CFP is still open.

JS Kongress

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@JSKongress
Location: Munich
Dates: April 15-16
Tickets: €429
Prominent speakers: Aisha Absia, Carolyn Stransky, Franziska Hinkelmann, others TBA.

The theme for 2020 JS Congress is Scaling JS — all about massive platforms, data-driven architecture, modern APIs. So far only three speakers have been announced, among those are Aisha Absia, a keynote speaker, who’s been in the marketing business for more than ten years, and who’s recently launched her own NGO combining two of her passions — women empowerment and technology — Women in Tech Africa and Hayaan Tech, an online community aimed at inspiring young Somalis to pursue careers in tech. Carolyn Stransky, another announced speaker, is currently a front-end developer and former journalist. Carolyn is a super pro in technical documentation, a Mozilla Tech Speaker, and a co-organizer of BerlinJS. And the last speaker so far announced is Franziska Hinkelmann, a senior engineer at Google working on the Cloud Platform team in New York City, a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee and an expert on JavaScript performance. One of the interesting features of the event is called the DeepTrack, which is essentially the panel discussing various topics around JavaScript. So, apart from the conference, there will be an unconference-style track with round tables and all kinds of topics in JS, which anyone can propose, best to do so beforehand on the DeepTrack page. This year Tobias Koppers, Yegor Bugayenko are announced to join the panel for the Deep Track.

React Summit Amsterdam

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ReactAmsterdam
Location: Amsterdam
Dates: April 17
Tickets: €380 – €530
Prominent speakers: Kent C. Dodds, Sara Vieira, Anna Doubkova, Jason Lengstorfv, Ives van Hoorne, Uri Goldshtein, others — TBA

Previously React Amsterdam, now — React Summit is the biggest React community event in Europe. This year’s edition comes with a number of hands-on workshops, pre-party meetups, mini-conferences throughout the week of the event, which starts on Thursday and ends on Saturday with a full-blown tour day. This year, the organizers think of gathering around 1,500 devs, more than 25 speakers, spanning across half-a-week worth of workshops and two tracks dedicated to both React and React Native. The announced lineup of speakers already looks impressive, so give it a go, especially if you happen to live in the area.

International JavaScript Conference

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@JavaScriptCon
Location: London, U.K.
Dates: April 20-22
Tickets: £449-701
Prominent speakers: Armagan Amcalar, Yael Balla, Adam Bien, Roy Derks, Jaimie Garcia, Nik Kaufman, Maxim Salnikov, Jacelyn Yeen, and many others.

The International JS Conference in London is three full days of powerful workshops and countless tracks dedicated to various JS technologies and topics like Angular, Node.js, React, Vue.js, Web Development and Architecture, and more. More than forty speakers are expected from both industry and business. Check back the website later for more details on the upcoming sessions.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SmashingConf
Location: San Francisco
Dates: April 21-22
Tickets: $998.00
Prominent speakers: TBA

SmashingConf is a two-day event packed with front-end and UX. Since the agenda is to be yet announced in a couple of months, little is still known, except that the organizers promise lots of material on performance, accessibility, security, interface design, debugging, and fancy CSS/JS techniques. So far, SmashingConf promises one track, two days, and 13 speakers, but also side events before the conference for networking and everything else.

App.js Conf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@appjsconf
Location: Krakow
Dates: April 23-24
Tickets: €185
Prominent speakers: Expo team

App.js is the first Expo and React Native conference in Europe which gathers more than 500 developers, features more than 15 talks and four workshops. The definitive agenda is yet to be announced, but so far, it seems all the talks would be held by the members of the Expo team. You can expect first-hand Expo tips during the workshops run by Expo’s creators, during which you can actively participate, test, and challenge your existing and newly acquired skills. So far, the announced workshops include Getting Started with React Native by Brent Vatne, Creating universal web apps with Expo and React Native by Evan Bacon, React Native Declarative Gestures and Animations by William Candillon, and React Native Performance by Stanislav Chmiela.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@jsheroes
Location: Cluj, Romania
Dates: April 23
Tickets: €139
Prominent speakers: Peggy Rayzis, Christian Nwamba, Tatiana Mac, Monica Lent, Tierney Cyren, Divya Sasidharan

JSHeros calls themselves an open-source community event, a 2-day conference with workshops kicking in shortly before the main event. For the 2020 event, the focus is given on the past and future of JS and the Web ecosystem in general, the impact of technology on society, the hardships of the day-to-day activities at the tech companies. Alright, judging by the conference’s theme, you’re welcome to cry and complain. Seriously though, why not?


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@halfstackconf
Location: Charlotte, U.S.A.
Dates: April 24
Tickets: $200
Prominent speakers: TBA

This is another HalfStack event, one of which we’ve covered right at the beginning of this article. This one happens in Charlotte, USA. The agenda and the speakers are yet to be announced, but as with any HalfStack event, you may expect intimate interactive experiences full of networking, sharing, and insights. Check back in a while for a complete agenda or CFP asap!

React Day Bangalore

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ReactDayIn
Location: Bangalore, India
Dates: April 25
Tickets: ₹2000
Prominent speakers: TBA

RDB is the largest React community gathering in India with over 10,000 members attending meetups, which are over 50 different meetups that have been organized since React ever existed. RDB is a one-day conference that is fully packed with amazing and inspiring talks and panel discussions from the React community and prominent speakers traveling all over the world. This year RDB plans to attract at least 400 developers for a one-day event. CFP and agenda are still open, so feel free to submit a talk if you happen to live in the area or are willing to travel that far.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@angularnl
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dates: May 1
Tickets: €199
Prominent speakers: TBA

AngularNL is another conference organized by Frontend Love, Vue.js Amsterdam, and Vue.js Road Trip. The agenda, the speakers, and everything else has not yet been disclosed.


Location: Tel Aviv
Dates: May 11
Tickets: ₪450
Prominent speakers: TBA

Another event by HalfStack with agenda and speakers yet to be announced.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@reacteurope
Location: Paris, France
Dates: May 14-15
Tickets: €449.00
Prominent speakers: Devon Govett, Shruti Kapoor, Ives van Hoorne, Tim Neutkens, Josh Comeau, Satyajit Sahoo, Michał Osadnik, and TBA

React Europe is one of those rare events that’s believed to gather people in the React community who are about to reveal the many new industry standards, features, updates, and upcoming changes to React. For example, previous editions of React Europe was the very “homes” to announce the release of GraphQL, Redux, react native reanimated, mobx-state-tree, and more. Moreover, React Europe is one of those conferences that has been existing for ages since 2015, and the bigger is perhaps only the Facebook React event. This year, the organizers hope to convene more than 1000 developers, many of the top speakers speaking on React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Universal apps, ReasonML, Webpack, inline CSS and other related technologies. 2 days of workshops, 2 days of conference talks, a hackathon, lightning talks, and even a bar night — this is what you can definitely expect from the event.

You Gotta Love Frontend (YGLF)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@yglf_lt
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Dates: May 14-15
Tickets: TBA
Prominent speakers: TBA

YGLF is a two-day event with talk sessions lasting almost an hour (approximately 40 minutes). Check back later for more details to be released in the coming months.

React Finland

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReactFinland 
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Dates: May 26-29
Prominent speakers: Kent C. Dodds, Nik Graf, Erik Rasmussen, David Khourshid, Nader Dabit, Juha Linnanen, and others TBA

React Finland is a huge but carefully curated event that includes two days of workshops and one day of the full-fledged conference. Part of the schedule has already been announced and it already looks impressive although the conference is in more than half a year from now. There will be a pre-conference day, where you can join the excursion for The New Central Library, Suomenlinna Castle, and even the famous Yrjönkatu swimming hall. On the workshop days, there will be sessions dedicated to modeling React apps with Statecharts, advanced React, building full-stack apps with React and AWS, testing, modern forms, and design systems. The conference talks are yet to be announced, but Nader Dabit, Rachel Nabors, David Khourshid, Jared Palmer, Tae’lur Alexis, Kent C. Dodds, and all those React rock stars you’ve heard from Twitter are all expected to make an appearance.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@amsterdamjs
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dates: June 3-5
Tickets: €290
Prominent speakers: Sarah Drasner, Matteo Collina, Tobias Koppers, Mr. Doob, Mikeal Rogers, Oilvia Jack, Tierney Cyren, and others TBA

JSNation, which we’ve covered earlier this year, is coming back in June 2020 with a revamped edition and a new venue, which is Theatre Amsterdam with a space capacity of more than 1000 people. This event is all about art in web development with JavaScript, and if you’re a creative coder, then this conference is a must-visit. There’s pretty much nothing like it and definitely, nothing on this list compares to what you’ll see at JSNation. Check back later to learn more about this year’s upcoming edition and the featured talks.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SmashingConf
Location: Austin, Texas
Dates: June 9-10
Tickets: $499
Prominent speakers: TBA

Another SmashingConf edition, this time in Austin: the details have not been disclosed, except for the usual drill, that is two days, one single track, 14 speakers. Check back later for a more definitive schedule.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/reactnext 
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Dates: June 15
Tickets: €155
Prominent speakers: TBA

ReactNext is an international React conference in Tel Aviv, a one-day community-driven event packed with lectures by internationally renowned speakers, networking opportunities, with over 750 attendees from all around the world. Two tracks will be dedicated to React, React Native, Redux, MobX, and everything about the ecosystem. Everything else will be TBA earlier next year.

FullStack London

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FullStackCon
Location: London
Dates: June 24-26
Tickets: £480
Prominent speakers: Sarah Clark, Alex Castillo, Ruth John, Charlie Gerard, Matteo Collina

A summer edition of FullStack London. Only five speakers have been announced, obviously more to come in the coming months.

React Day Norway

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@ReactNorway
Location: Larvik, Norway
Dates: June 26
Tickets: €213.93
Prominent speakers: TBA

React Day Norway is the gathering of the React community in the Nordics at the beachfront hotel, Farris Bad, where you can expect not only visionary React talks but also BBQ dinner on the beachfront terrace (sounds exciting, don’t you think?). This is a relatively small event that convenes around 250 React fans and lovers, only 10 speakers giving presentations on a full-day one-track event. The speakers and the exact schedule are not yet announced.


JSCamp Barcelona

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@jscamp
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Dates: July 16-17
Tickets: TBA
Prominent speakers: TBA

Nothing is yet available for the agenda. However, judging from the previous editions of the conf, it was pretty impressive. Among the featured guests from 2019 were Kyle Simpson, Sean Larkin, Adam Argyle, Shawn Wang, and others. Check back later for 2020 speakers and upcoming agenda.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@halfstackconf
Location: New York, U.S.A.
Dates: August 14
Tickets: $180
Prominent speakers: TBA

HalfStack edition happening in NY — details are still not available. However, you can check the previous lineup of speakers or purchase early bird tickets which are already on sale.


React Native EU

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@react_native_eu 
Location: Wrocław, Poland
Dates: September 3-4, 2020
Tickets (price): €399
Prominent speakers: TBA

React Native EU is a leading community conference in Europe, focused exclusively on React Native.

  • Two days of the conference with over 25 great speakers – React Native Core contributors, Leaders of the React Native community, Speakers from leading tech companies like Facebook and Microsoft.
  • Over 400 attendees from all over the world,
  • One-day workshops with three different sessions of practical knowledge;

You can’t miss it!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SmashingConf
Location: Freiburg, Germany
Dates: September 7-8
Tickets: €599
Prominent speakers: TBA

SmashingConf in Freiburg will be dedicated to psychology in UX, design workflow, refactoring, moving to static site setup, CSS Grid techniques, performance, deployment patterns for HTTP/2, and other topics surrounding web development. So far, only one workshop has been announced, and that one is held by Vitaly Friedman, who’ll talk about Smart Responsive UX Design Patterns.

React Day New York

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReactNewYork
Location: Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Dates: September 11
Tickets: $306.92
Prominent speakers:

React Day New York is an intimate day with only 300 attendees who are passionate about React and React Native, among whom are approximately 12 speakers. Unfortunately, that’s been so far announced is the venue, which is the incredible Brooklyn Bowl. Among previous speakers were Nader Dabit, Omri Bruchin, Ryan Burgess, Jared Palmer, Matthew Gerstman, and others.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@halfstackconf
Location: Vienna, Austria
Dates: September 18 – August 18
Tickets: €150
Prominent speakers: TBA

HalfStack Vienna edition: details are yet to be announced.



Twitter (link): https://twitter.com/Intersection_eu
Location: Online
Dates: 1st and 2nd October 2020
Tickets: €64.28
Prominent speakers: Adam Connor, Roberta Tassi, Felix Chang, Oscar di Montigny, Szymon Kaliski 

Intersection Conference is an event organized by Hinto, now at the third edition. Every year Intersection Conference allows designers and developers to meet, share ideas and opinions on multiple topics such as: Design and Development strategies, new techniques, tools, technologies and trends.
Intersection Conference has the ability to constantly innovate by offering its participants extremely cutting-edge content, for example this year we will introduce talks about Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Part of the tickets income will be donated to Doctors without borders to support their worldwide efforts against the Covid-19 pandemic.
Video (youtube): At this moment we don’t have a Youtube channel.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/@reactlivenl
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dates: October 2
Tickets: €175.00
Prominent speakers: Kitze, Sid, Yoav Niran, Tim Neutkens, Alexey Kureev, Sara Vieira, Karan Thakkar, Max Gallo, Lydia Hallie, Elizabeth Oliveira, Eric Bishard, Emma Wedekind, David Den Toom, and others

ReactLive also takes place in the Theatre Amsterdam, a huge venue with 1200 seats and 500 m² screen. It’s a full-day, live-coding React-focused Conference with 13 presentations from the world’s React & React Native leaders covering the newest releases, principles, and tools to apply when building components with React including State Management with React Hooks, Fabric, TurboModules, and CodeGen as a de-facto standard, Design Patterns, Mobx and Rxjs, React 16+ updates, React Animations with SVG and more. The full line-up of speakers and a complete agenda will be released later earlier next year.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SmashingConf
Location: New York
Dates: October 20-21
Tickets: $499
Prominent speakers: TBA

Another SmashingConf edition happening in NYC. So far only two workshops have been disclosed, both by Vitaly Friedman: Smart Responsive Ux Design Patterns and New Front-End Adventures.


Previous events we’ve covered:

React Advanced: The Tiniest Recap — See What You’ve Missed
Running Remote Announcement: Early Bird Ticket Sale [Save up to $500]
Partnerships with Conferences: Announcement for 2019-2020
5 Best JavaScript Conferences to Attend in 2019

Automated Postgresql Backups with NodeJS and Bash

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7 Replies to “Full List of JavaScript Conferences 2020 [41 Events] Updated 28.08.2020”

  1. Hi and thank you for this very comprehensive list. I wanted to add an event you missed though. Flashback Conference is happening in Orlando, FL on Feb 10-11 and is focused on frontend web development and JavaScript. flashback.dev

    1. Hi!
      Can I advise you to add one more JS event to this list? JS FEST Spring will take place in Kyie, Ukraine, on the 3-4th of April. This is link to site: https://jsfest.com.ua/indexe.html

      1. Hello, please contact with me by email: [email protected]. I need to get detailed description from you

  2. Hey! What about React Native EU 2020? It’s cool conference in Poland focused exclusively on React Native. 1 day of workshops, 2 days of the conference, +25 great speakers – Core Contributors and leaders of the community, +350 developers from all around the world – sounds amazing! Check out the website to get more info https://www.react-native.eu/ 🙂

    1. Hello, please contact with me by email: [email protected]. I need to get detailed description from you

  3. Татьяна 5 years ago

    Hello 🙂 It would be great if you can also add JavaScript fwdays’20 conference in Kyiv, Ukraine (March 14)
    Here is the link: https://fwdays.com/en/event/js-fwdays-2020

    1. Hello, please contact with me by email: [email protected]. I need to get detailed description from you

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