With a large pool of available Java developers, how to make sure that you hire the best one? These questions will help you make your hiring process easier!
The Importance of Showing Off Your Soft Skills
Hard (or technical) skills are easy to showcase. But what about soft skills and just how important are they?
3 Proven Strategies to Find Work-Life Balance for Remote Workers
In a race to become the most efficient remote worker, we often neglect the work-life balance. How to avoid burnout? Our guide is designed to help you!
7 Statistics About Remote Work to Make Your Company Better
In this article, we have gathered 7 statistics that illustrate the state of remote work today — and predict what the future holds for remote workers.
4 Tech Factors Driving the World Economy of Tomorrow
There are 4 factors which will influence the development of the world economy — and they will also change the way we organize our remote workflow.
Top 11 Django Interview Questions
In this article, we cover the best questions you can ask a Django developer to test their knowledge.
AI in Recruitment: Cases and Trends
AI + HR: this combination helps companies lower the time they spend on sorting candidates and improve employee retention. Let’s examine what exactly they’re doing to make their recruitment strategies effective:
VR and AR in Remote Work: Cases and Trends
To organize a remote team’s workflow, we can utilize tools like VR and AR. Let’s study cases of different companies to see how they do it!
Top 10 Vue.js Interview Questions
We continue providing you with reliable guidelines on how to hire web developers the right way — in this article, we’re covering the interview questions for Vue.js developers!
3 Best Practices for Building a Dedicated Remote Team
Vast distance between your remote professionals isn’t a problem — thanks to these team building practices, your remote team will work like a real team!