
JAMstack Architecture with Next.js

The Jamstack architecture, a term coined by Mathias Biilmann, the co-founder of Netlify, encompasses a set of structural practices that rely on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt markup to build websites and applications. At its core, the Jamstack advocates for rendering web applications into static HTML files during the build process and serving them efficiently to clients.


Forget About Auth0: Implementing Authentication with Clerk.dev in Your Next.js App

Clerk.dev is more than just an authentication tool; it’s a comprehensive platform designed to simplify and enhance user management and security in web applications. With a focus on developer experience and application flexibility, Clerk.dev emerges as a robust alternative to more traditional solutions like Auth0. Let’s explore its standout features and advantages.


Building a Pokedex with Next.js

Next.js is a framework for building static and dynamic React apps. It’s production-ready and ships with handy features to get your app up and running in no-time. Next.js offers different ways of fetch