
DevOps Overview: Rethinking How Development and Operations Work

In this article, we will examine the intricacies of the DevOps approach: why is it vital for today’s software development, which tools are being used, what are the use cases of various companies that utilize DevOps — and which learning resources you can use to become more knowledgeable in this area


Web Developer Portfolio: The Definitive 2019 Guide with 15 Portfolio Examples

At some point in their career, every web developer asks themselves: “Well, what is the best time to create a portfolio?” Luckily, we have an answer: today. First, however, you’d need to research what a web developer should portfolio look like, how to create it, what information to include — and this article will teach you exactly that.


Imposter Syndrome in Web Development: Understand It, Overcome It

Imposter syndrome is a pressing issue for all people, but it’s especially prevalent in the development sphere — but why is that? In this article, we will explore the definition of imposter syndrome, analyze the reasons and motivations behind it — and then we’ll outline how you can overcome imposter syndrome.