Python with the boom of machine learning has been the goto language for most companies and newbies. The best way to learn Python is not to learn it’s syntax but to build an app with it.
Comprehension in Python
In this article, we will discuss one of the powerful features of Python programming language called Comprehensions. We will cover the usage of Comprehensions as a way to optimize the code.
Python Array Explained and Visualized
In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how Python arrays work, what their limitations are, and how you can use them to maximize their efficiency.
Python zip() Function Explained and Visualized
Continuing our “Explaining Python Functions” series, we’re taking a closer look at the zip() function in Python. Its functionality may appear trivial, but it may very well surprise you with some of its quirky behaviors.
Overview of Natural Language Processing Using Python Libraries
In this article, we’ll explore various Python libraries designed for natural language processing and analyze the importance of this particular subfield.
Python map() Function Explained & Visualized
We’re taking a look at the map() function in Python. Its goal may appear rather simple (help the developer work with large sets of data), but there’s always more to learn.
Flask vs. Django: Let’s Choose the Right Framework for the Job
Python is an excellent choice for web development — thanks to frameworks like Flask and Django, building robust, high-performance web apps becomes much easier.The focus of this article is the following question: what are the differences between Flask and Django? The differences we’ll outline below will help you understand which framework to choose when building a web app.
A Roundup Review of the Best Deep Learning Books
If you’re interested in starting out or expanding your knowledge in neural networks and deep learning, then this roundup review of the best deep learning books might be a good starting point.
Python range() Explained and Visualized
In this article, we’ll explore the functionality of range() and highlight its use cases — and you’ll know how to use range() in Python efficiently, appreciating both its strong sides and limitations.
“Learn Python the Hard Way”: a Detailed Book Review
In this article, we’ll review a popular book titled “Learn Python the Hard Way” and analyze both its strong and weak sides.