
JSX vs HTML: Overview + Answers to FAQs

Let’s talk about the JSX as opposed to HTML. We’ll brush over the basics of JSX, overview the main differences between JSX and HTML, and finish with some frequently asked questions about particular issues often encountered when writing JSX.


Disadvantages of Using TypeScript

JavaScript is not, arguably, suitable for large complex applications, so the idea behind an additional script was to make it a complementary language that can be “scalable.” Let’s address the core differences between those languages, features of TypeScript, and why many people think that TypeScript is going to overrun JavaScript and take over the world (yeah, right).


Functional vs Object-Oriented Programming

What’s the difference between functional and object-oriented programming? And how does it all apply to JavaScript? In this article, we’ll cover the major concepts you should be aware of, as well as give some representative examples in JavaScript code.