If you’re looking for modern hiring strategies and tips for ensuring fair recruitment, then this article is for you! We cover the importance of social media, advertising, standardizing recruitment procedures, and more!
Growth Hacking 101: Everything You Always Wanted to Know with Examples | 2019
In this article, we cover the underlying principles behind Growth Hacking and illustrate its main concepts and possible implementations with powerful examples.
13 Best Applications and Software for Hiring and Employee Management
This detailed review covers the Best Apps and Software currently available on the market for automating hiring processes and employee management.
The Future of Recruitment. Trends, Channels and Tools
About 20 years ago no one would even imagine that the social media phenomenon will enter into common use and become one of the key marketing and recruiting elements. But this came true and today we already take Facebook and Linkedin for granted and cannot imagine doing business without this valuable customer and applicant attraction channel.