Scopes as used in many programming languages defines how accessible variables, functions or objects are. In this article, we’d get to understand how scopes are used in Javascript
Apollo Client and Local State Management
You probably already knew about this option when following the Apollo Docs, maybe you’ve even built apps with it. This article aims to give you a little taste of how to use GraphQL queries with an Apollo server to manage the state of your App.
Amazon S3 Cloud Storage Proxying Through NodeJS from Angular Frontend Securely
This article is about securely uploading a file, i.e an image or profile picture, to the Amazon S3 Cloud Storage without exposing any security breach through JSON Web Authentication and Securing the Upload through a Proxy NodeJS Server which is always well guarded in the backend.
Guidelines for Building Accessible Web Applications
Web accessibility covers how people with disabilities can interact, navigate, and use our websites. What we will be covering in this article is how people with disabilities can use our sites.
JSON WEB Authentication with Angular 8 and NodeJS
The article is about interfacing an Angular 8 Project with a secure backend API. The Backend will be running on Node.JS. The security that will underlay the interfacing will be JSON Web Tokens.
18 Best Web Development Blogs on Medium
In this article, we cover the best Medium blogs on web development and design.
Public Speaking for Developers Demystified: Tips & Tricks
In this piece, we’ll suggest the tips and techniques to help you master the art of public speaking and prepare for your next talk, be it at a tech conference or a meetup.
What is Mentorship in Web Development | How to Find a Coding Mentor
What is mentorship and how does it relate to web development? Is mentorship really a necessity or something you can do without? Where can you find a perfect coding mentor? And is there such a thing as a ‘perfect coding mentor’ anyway? In this piece, we’ll answer all of those questions.
16 Best Web Development & Web Design Blogs
If you’re looking for new people or blogs to follow, then this article will certainly throw in some ideas on the latest (and sometimes oldest but, nevertheless, regularly updated) resources on web development and design.
Best Udemy Online Courses to Learn JavaScript, React, Angular, and Node [Only Those Updated in 2019]
In case you’re looking for complete, detailed, high-rated Udemy courses covering subjects like web development, JavaScript, React, Node, or Angular, then this article is a goldmine of suggestions for some of the best courses on Udemy.