This post is the beginning of a number of blog posts on web development and software engineering podcasts.
Part 2: Engineering, Open Source, Interviews
Part 3: Security, Frameworks, Python
Part 4: Broad Topics
JAMstack Radio – http://www.heavybit.com/library/podcasts/jamstack-radio
Twitter: @JAMstackRadio
Number of Seasons/Episodes: Ep 37
Creators/Hosts: Brian Douglas
Add-on Stuff: shownotes, transcripts
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: disorderly
JAMstack Radio is about all things JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. So far, the podcast has 37 episodes, with the latest one from April 4, 2019. In the last episode, Brian talked to Ben Schwartz, founder of Calibre, a company offering powerful web analytics and monitoring to make websites faster. Some other guests on previous episodes include Zak Islam, Head of Engineering at Atlassian’s Jira platform, Hasura’s Tanmai Gopal talking about GraphQL, Drew DiPalma, Senior Product Manager at MongoDB, and others. Again, the show is mostly about interviews, but the great thing about it is the transcripts, so you can always go back and read what you’ve probably missed. Also, it’s not just talk-talk in its purest sense, but rather intelligent conversations about different technologies.
Full Stack Radio – http://www.fullstackradio.com
Twitter: @fullstackradio
Number of Seasons: Ep 111
Creators/Hosts: Adam Wathan
Add-on Stuff: topics discussed in chronological order, links to projects mentioned
Duration per episode: 60 min or more
Rotation: on average 2 times per month
Description of the podcast goes like this: “a podcast for developers interested in building great software products.” Every episode, the host is joined by a guest to talk about any interesting topic related to web development and design. In the most recent episode, Adam talks to Jeffrey Way about Laracasts.com and Tailwind CSS. Other episodes feature Caleb Porzio, talking about building a new library, Livewire, Jonathan Reinink on a new approach he’s been using to build Laravel and Vue.js apps, etc. Overall, this is an industry and technically heavy podcast, full of insights and advice from best web developers and designers.
Javascript Jabber – http://javascriptjabber.com
Twitter: @JSJabber
Number of Seasons: Ep 358
Creators/Hosts: Charles Max Wood, Aimee Knight, Joe Eames
Add-on Stuff: links, picks, projects, books, some episodes have a step by step plan of the recording
Duration per episode: 30 – 60 min
Rotation: 4 episodes per month (every Tuesday)
JavaScript Jabber is a podcast about the language, frameworks, tools, and people in a JavaScript community. The last episode featured Anatoliy Zaslavskiy, the author or Pickle.js, who talks about the importance of automated testing, as well as dives a little into the companies’ cultures, work satisfaction, and more. Other guests include Keith Cirkel, Rich Feldman, Tommy Hodgins, Sarah Dayan, and others. So, if you’re specifically looking for a heavily JavaScript content, then look no further, it’s here: all interviews are with experts in the field, who talk about specific features of the language, progressive enhancement, web performance API, AWS, inclusive components, agile development, etc. There are a lot of episodes, a lot of people and subjects covered, so we’re sure you’ll like it.
The Console Log – http://theconsolelog.com
Twitter: @_theconsolelog
Number of Seasons: Ep 71
Creators/Hosts: Harry Wolff and Matthew Gertsman
Add-on Stuff: links (including listeners’ jokes)
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: 4 per month, weekly podcast, every Wednesday
This podcast is run by a lead engineer from MongoDB and a senior software engineer at Dropbox, who are both very funny and intelligent guys talking about JavaScript and the web. The guys speak about the newest releases, features, interesting stuff that happens in the JS community and open source, and just try to have fun with all of it as much as they can.
Real Talk JavaScript – https://realtalkjavascript.simplecast.fm
Twitter: @RealTalkJS
Number of Seasons: Ep 26
Creators/Hosts: John Papa, Ward Bell, Dan Wahlin.
Add-on Stuff: resources, someone to follow on twitter, timejumps (linked timelines within the episode)
Duration per episode: 30 min
Rotation: 4 per month, weekly podcast
The hosts talk to different guests each week about topics in web development and how they use different solutions to tackle specific problems. The nice thing about the show is that you can use the timeline of the recording to jump to any particular section within the episode, which really comes in handy if you want to skip any particular less interesting parts. Guys also list people to follow on twitter, so it’s a great tool for networking and knowing people within the community. The guests that have been recently featured on the show include Ryan Burgess (a guy behind Front End Happy Hour), Victor Savkin, Adam Baldwin, Kat Marchan, and others.
React Podcast – https://reactpodcast.com
Twitter: @ReactPodcast
Number of Seasons: Ep 42
Creators/Hosts: Michael Chan
Add-on Stuff: links to things mentioned in the podcast
Duration per episode: 60 min
Rotation: 4 per month, weekly podcast, every Thursday
Every week Michael Chan talks to people from the React community on anything related to the framework, the language, but also much more than that: mental health, burn out, communication within the community, the importance of the open web and open source. The last episode, from April 4, was with Sara Vieira, the developer from CodeSandbox app, where she talked about herself, being a developer advocate, conference speaker, and just a very bright person dedicated to her job and making the world a better place.
React Round-Up – https://devchat.tv/react-round-up
Twitter: n/a
Number of Seasons: Ep 55
Creators/Hosts: Charles Max Wood
Add-on Stuff: links, picks (although some episodes are missing those)
Duration per episode: 60 min
Rotation: 4 per month, weekly podcast, every Friday
In this podcast, Charles and other hosts talk everything related to React, as well as invite guests who have something to share on the subject. For example, last episodes were with Chris Toomey, Thomas Aylott, Jared Palmer, and others talking about React Suspense, GraphQL, and teaching React to others.
The next article will cover software engineering and broader topics on web development.