Python is an interpreted, high-level, cross-platform and easy-to-use programming language. Currently, it is one of the most powerful programming languages used in back-end web development, software de
How to write effective tests for React apps with react testing library?
Testing might seem like extra work at first. Why write tests when you could be delivering features for your application? Writing tests may seem like unproductive work that doesn’t add any immediate value to your project.
A comprehensive insight of the Angular Structure
Whenever you start learning a new technology, learning about its structure is one of the most important things. Let’s understand the Angular structure
Create simple POS with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB #16: Order Screen
In this chapter, we are going to create an order page. The order page displays the products and the calculator to help calculate the total price. Finally, we will save the transaction to the database.
Java Lambda Expressions
A lambda expression is a piece of code that is giving an alternative way to the anonymous class to pass the function as a parameter to other subsequent flows of code such as methods, constructors, etc.. In this approach, a function can be referenced with a variable and passed as a reference to be executed in a subsequent flow of code execution.
Node.js Lesson 7: Console Module
This lesson will talk about another module which is by far the most commonly used module in node.js javascript environment. We will learn all the powers we get with this mighty module that helps us in development and debugging.
Working With API in React Application using Axios and Fetch
We know that only API can separate the frontend from the backend. This tutorial will show the typical scenario of how to properly call Axios and Fetch with API in react application and how it works.
30 React JS Tools That You Can Use
React JS comes with a lot of tools, but which one to choose? You can easily search on Google but, you are not sure which one is best for you. So I have compiled a list for you to choose the best!
Node.js Lesson 6: Util and Inheritance
This lesson and the coming one will cover some of the modules that we generally use in development. One of the modules is util and it comes very handy to ease the developer work while debugging. Let’s talk more about it by answering the following questions.
Create simple POS with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB #15: Simple RBAC
In this chapter, we are going to continue from where we left off from the previous chapter intuitive with a plethora of functionalities.