
Imposter Syndrome in Web Development: Understand It, Overcome It

Imposter syndrome is a pressing issue for all people, but it’s especially prevalent in the development sphere — but why is that? In this article, we will explore the definition of imposter syndrome, analyze the reasons and motivations behind it — and then we’ll outline how you can overcome imposter syndrome.


Who is a Developer Advocate?

What’s advocacy and how does it relate to web development? Is a developer advocate just another fancy term for a technical evangelist, technical leader, or a senior software engineer? Is advocacy just a nice trendy name currently in fashion? Or is it one of those vocables that have entered the web development terminology for good? These and other questions, we’ll attempt to answer within this piece.


Tech Blogging for Web Developers in 2019: Why? Which Platform? How to Start Your Own Tech Blog?

“Blogging” is a ubiquitous term in 2019 — every web developer is advised to start blogging for various reasons. In this article, we’ll explore 4 practical reasons why you should start your tech blog, then we’ll review the best tech blogging platforms of 2019 that will be suitable for you as a web developer, and teach you how to start your own tech blog with Jekyll and GitHub Pages.