
Interview with Viktor

I’ve been doing Web development for the last 10 years working with customers from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Ukraine and Russia. I have a huge expertise in complicated client-side development using Angular/Angular 2. I am a tough back-end developer too. For this purpose, I use Node.js and PHP frameworks such as Express/Koa, Meteor, Zend Framework, Yii2, Silex and Symfony2. For mobile development, I use PhoneGap, Cordova and Ionic frameworks.


Interview with Roman

I am a professional full-stack web developer. I’ve been building websites and Web applications for the last 5 years. My main skills are ReactJS, Node.js/Express, Meteor, and D3. UI and UX are also my strong sides. It means that your project will run fast and smoothly on every device, will be mobile-first and pixel perfect.


Interview with Alex

I have more than 3 years of web development experience using different technologies suck as mean stack, vuejs loopback d3 and various small libraries. I have experience working on projects having SQL as well as noSQL solutions under the hood. I mastered frontend using HTML and CSS preprocessors, webpack, gulp and more.


Interview with Leonid

Hi. My name is Leo and I’m a full stack javascript developer from Vladivostok, Russia.
Being a computer programmer was my dream since I was in middle school and for the last five years I’m living my dream working as a professional web developer.


Interview with Ilya

My name is Ilya / and I’m a professional JavaScript developer / with experience in both / front-end and back-end Areas. For over 3 years,/ I’ve been doing web development using popular frameworks / such as Angular, Meteor, Node.js and the other related technologies.


Interview With Oleg

My name is Oleg and I am a Front End Engineer, working in Web Development for the last 4 years. I am passionate about Javascript and I believe that this language has changed the programming world.


RxJs Practice

After some portion of theory it will be a good practice to do some practice! So today we’re going to build weather widget with auto update function and simple chart that will be fully built using RxJS. Take your knowledge of base concepts, that we’ve studied on previous lesson and let’s go!


RxJS Methods. Part2

The methods that are covered in this video are flattop, concat/merge, switch, switchMap. Main topic of video is more complex structures – higher order observables. Also we’re going to talk about handling of async stuff inside observables with life example of working with real API.

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RxJS Methods. Part 1

The methods that are covered in this video are map, filter, reduce, take/skip and distinct. Most of them are array-like primitives they will give you the basis of your further work with RxJs and introduce main instruments from this large swiss knife!