
React Lesson 6: CSS and Animation

Let us continue our conversation about React infrastructure. But first, let us change our structure a little bit and move our Article component to a separate directory Article. So, let us create it. Change our component’s name to Index.js and add the following code:


JavaScript Design Patterns in Action

In this article, we are going to explore all the popular design patterns used in JavaScript. We will discuss how to implement these patterns and we will discuss why we need to build them.


Setting CSS Styles with JavaScript

It is common to set styles in Javascript. Four years of working with HTML, CSS and Javascript there were plenty of times I had to style elements with Javascript. Here are some uses-cases and ways to style elements in Javascript. I will also be describing one common use case at the end of this article.


Destructuring in JavaScript

Destructuring is a handy tool to make use of as you write your code, it helps reduce the complexity of your code, making it more readable and human-friendly.