
React Lesson 4: Homework. Decorators and Mixins

As we saw in the previous article, decorators are just the Higher-Order components that add extra functionality to the passed component and return a new enhanced component. Before we get to our homework, let's dive deep and understand how decorators and mixins work.


How to Architect a Node.Js Project from Ground Up?

In this article, we will discuss how to architect a Node.js application properly, and why it is important. Also, we’ll look at what design decisions can lead us to in creating a successful digital product.


Progressive Web Applications and Service Workers

In this article, we'll explore Progressive Web Apps and Service Workers. 


Introduction to Web Components. Part 1: Native vs Virtual DOM

The series aims to show what Web Components are, put them in parallel for comparison with Frameworks to understand the differences and the needs each of them answer. You’re looking at part 1 here, in which I talk about Native support vs Virtual DOM.


The Ultimate Introduction to Kafka with JavaScript

In this article, you’ll learn basic terms and their definitions used in Kafka, architecture, Zookeeper, and how to create a producer and consumer using JavaScript that can interact with Kafka broker.


Building a Telegram Bot with Node.js

In this article, you'll learn how to build a Telegram bot using Node.js.


Form Validation in Vue Using Vuelidate

Collecting data from users is an important feature in web applications. The best approach is to make use of forms, which involves the user entering their information which will be stored in a database


Handling Side Effects in Redux: Redux-Saga

In this article, we will be covering the handling of side-effects in Redux. This article assumes you have knowledge of React and a bit of Redux.


Why Using Node.js for Developing Web Applications Makes Perfect Sense

Let’s look in more detail at what the inherent benefits of developers using node.js in web applications really are.


React Lesson 3: Exploring the React Component Lifecycle

In this article, we'll explore the inner workings of the component lifecycle in React — how does it work? How can you utilize it? Let's find out!


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