
How to Build Real-Time Applications Using Node.js and WebSockets

Real-time chat applications are all the rage these days, and I can see why. They’ve transformed the way we communicate, collaborate, and socialize, making it easy to send and receive messages instantly. That’s why I’m excited to show you how to create your own real-time chat application using WebSockets and Node.js.


Working with Jotai as your next state management in React

Despite being efficient and scalable, most common state management needed additional boilerplate code on setup. As a developer who is continually looking for efficient and user-friendly options, I came across Jotai, a minimalistic state management tool that can be used in constructing scalable react applications. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the Jotai library as well as teach you how to utilize Jotai to build a simple application.


How And When To Debounce And Throttle In React

In React applications, certain user interactions can lead to performance issues, such as slow loading times and unresponsive UIs. For example, making asynchronous requests triggered by user input on every keystroke can overload the web server and cause it to crash, or slow down the webpage if the user is typing too fast.


Mastering JavaScript Proxies: Practical Use Cases and Real-World Applications

This article will briefly revisit the concept of JavaScript Proxies and their purpose. We will then dive into a series of practical use cases, providing detailed code examples and clear explanations along the way. By the end of this journey, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how Proxies can be used to solve various problems and optimize your applications.


Securing Node.js Applications with JWT and Passport.js

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a compact and self-contained technique for securely transferring data between parties as a JSON object is defined by the open standard. They are useful for authorization and authentication. They are useful for authorization and authentication.


Anime.js to MP4 and GIF with Node.js and FFMPEG

While canvas animation is often considered the simpler approach for exporting animations to video and GIF formats, it can also limit the range of animations that can be created. Although complex and advanced animations are a possibility, it can quickly become a memory-intensive operation, especially when exporting to popular animation formats.


Swarm Intelligence: Intensities

Last time, I implemented an organism that selected the maximum intensity around it and moved on. By intensity, I mean a circular gradient; the organism’s task is to reach the maximum point in the shortest way possible. There was only one center of intensity, and consequently, there was only one path of upward movement along the increasing gradient.


Exploring the Power of JavaScript Proxies and Reflect API

Over the past four years, I’ve gained extensive experience building products with Expressjs, Vue.js and React. As I delved deeper into these frameworks, I uncovered fascinating implementation details hidden beneath the surface. For instance, Vue 3’s reactivity system relies on Proxies instead of Object.defineProperty() used in Vue 2, while React employs Proxies in implementing the Virtual DOM.


Handling HEIC Images in Angular: A Comprehensive Tutorial

The High-Efficiency Image Container (HEIC) is an image format based on the High-Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC). It was introduced by Apple in iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra as a more efficient alternative to the widely used JPEG format. HEIC images offer better compression and higher image quality than JPEG images, resulting in smaller file sizes without sacrificing image quality.