
Node.js Lesson 14: Asynchronous Development

Asynchronous Operation refers to the flow of execution when something doesn’t follow the line by line execution of code but waits for some time. Set timeout is a general of an asynchronous task. What happens when you create a timeout task?


Fluent Validation in ASP.NET MVC

Fluent validation is a validation library for .NET. This will be separated from the business logic. So, it has an advantage over data annotation validation. This library is available in the NuGet pack


Node.js Lesson 11: Echo Server

Today we are going to learn about Echo Servers. We will go through what are they and how to build them. We will also use this little project to learn about the status code and header of an HTTP request. Let’s start.


Node.js Lesson 10: Nodejs as a Web Server

We going to learn how to create a web server using the HTTP module. We will learn more about this module and use our knowledge about EventEmitter from the previous lesson. We will also see how to serve an HTML file from the webserver we created. Let’s start.


How to implement WPF Canvas? Explain with an example

Canvas is a lightweight layout of WPF. Canvas is used for 2D graphic design elements but not for UI. You cannot use it for making text-box, checkbox, or drop-down because it will create difficulty in screen resolution. Canvas has its height & width, so it cannot be re-sized automatically.


Node.js Lesson 8: Inheritance from Errors, Error

Today we are going to talk about error handling in Nodejs with the help of inheritance. We will see what are general problems that can arise and how to solve. We will also learn how to print the stack trace of an issue to provide a better debugging experience to the developer


Node.js Lesson 7: Console Module

This lesson will talk about another module which is by far the most commonly used module in node.js javascript environment. We will learn all the powers we get with this mighty module that helps us in development and debugging.