In this article, you’ll learn how to build a Telegram bot using Node.js.
Top 10 Bug Tracking Tools for Web Developers and Designers
One thing that has become a bottle-neck to the development of fast, sleek, and functional websites is the issue of BUGS.
List of Coding Games to Practice & Improve Your Programming Skills
In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best online games to learn new programming languages and practice your existing programming skills. Some of those are beginner only, others may seem far advanced at the start, but give it a go, and you’ll thank us later. If we forgot to mention something, or you’re building a cool game of your own, do let us know in the comments! Happy learning!
Form Validation in Vue Using Vuelidate
Collecting data from users is an important feature in web applications. The best approach is to make use of forms, which involves the user entering their information which will be stored in a database
Follow These Guidelines to Write Testable Code That Can Scale | with Examples
I have seen people writing code which is hard to test and later writing tests just for the sake of it. Although having some tests is better than having no tests, you should always write tesable code.
Why Using Node.js for Developing Web Applications Makes Perfect Sense
Let’s look in more detail at what the inherent benefits of developers using node.js in web applications really are.
The Path of the Self-Taught Programmer: Avoiding Common Problems
In this article, we’ll explore how a self-taught programmer comes to be: which education opportunities they can utilize, which problems they may encounter, and whether this path is right for you.
Introduction to GitHub Desktop: A GUI Enhancement to a CLI Approach
In this article, we’ll explore various use cases of GitHub Desktop — GUI software designed to ehance your git workflow. Does it hold up against CLI git?
Python Array Explained and Visualized
In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how Python arrays work, what their limitations are, and how you can use them to maximize their efficiency.
Amazon S3 Cloud Storage Proxying Through NodeJS from Angular Frontend Securely
This article is about securely uploading a file, i.e an image or profile picture, to the Amazon S3 Cloud Storage without exposing any security breach through JSON Web Authentication and Securing the Upload through a Proxy NodeJS Server which is always well guarded in the backend.