
Server-Side Rendering with Vue.js and Nuxt.js

Vue.js and Nuxt.js seamlessly complement each other for SSR. Vue.js provides the core functionality for dynamic UIs, while Nuxt.js enables server-side rendering of Vue.js components, ensuring fast initial page loads and optimal SEO. Nuxt.js simplifies SSR application development, allowing developers to focus on crafting exceptional user experiences without getting bogged down by SSR intricacies.


An Introduction to Pinia: The Alternative State Management Library for Vue.js Applications

The maintenance of the application’s data and ensuring that other components can access and modify the data as necessary depending on state management in Vue.js applications. Because of its component-based architecture, Vue.js comes with a straightforward state management system pre-installed. Yet, developers frequently require increasingly sophisticated state management systems as applications increase in size and complexity.


Writing end-to-end tests for Nuxt apps using jsdom and AVA

Testing is a very important aspect of web application development. It can help reveal bugs before they appear and also instill confidence in your web application, especially during its launch. In this article, we will explore jsdom and AVA testing frameworks while writing tests for the Nuxt application.


Building Mobile Apps With Vue3 and Ionic

Ionic is an open-source UI framework and toolkit that helps developers build highly efficient and performant apps for native iOS, Android, and the web (PWA). On October 15th, 2020, the Ionic team announced the official release of Ionic-vue, a new way of building applications using the two technologies you already love: Ionic and Vuejs.


Form Validation in Vue Using Vuelidate

Collecting data from users is an important feature in web applications. The best approach is to make use of forms, which involves the user entering their information which will be stored in a database