
HR Tech Conferences Worth Your Time [2019]

This time around, we’ll cover the biggest HR Technology events that are due this year, starting from August and finishing up in November. Feel free to choose any of those, because they are guaranteed to be perfect opportunities to network and meet like-minded individuals who work in IT, web development, and tech recruitment.


React Hooks + RxJS or How React Is Meant to Be

In this article, we will explore how the RxJS and React combo allows for better readability and less boilerplate. Additionally, we will examine how they allow the the same functionality as the popular state management frameworks even though they aren’t frameworks themselves.


Web Developer Portfolio: The Definitive 2019 Guide with 15 Portfolio Examples

At some point in their career, every web developer asks themselves: “Well, what is the best time to create a portfolio?” Luckily, we have an answer: today. First, however, you’d need to research what a web developer should portfolio look like, how to create it, what information to include — and this article will teach you exactly that.