Wesley M.

Wesley M.

Backend Python, Go, JavaScript and Django Developer

Request Rate
Brazil, São Paulo

Software Engineer, graduated in Computer Engineering, passionate about challenges, with skills focused on the Backend, delivering value with high-level software development, skilled in Python, Go, JavaScript and Django.

Using best practices in the development of REST APIs and microservices, lover of best practices, unit tests and integrated tests together with CI/CD implementation and automation.

Always working with pull request reviews for teammates and passionate about sharing knowledge with the community.


  • CI/CD
  • Python
  • Linux
  • React


Routable, United States, California

Senior Software Engineer

October 2022 to January 2023


  • TypeScript,
  • Redux,
  • Jest,
  • Python (Programming Language),
  • Django REST Framework,
  • Django,
  • JavaScript,
  • React.js,
  • Git,
  • GitHub,
  • PostgreSQL.


  • Manage, built and maintained the Platform's main REST API using Python and Django Rest Framework;
  • Manage, built and maintained the main Web Application using JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Redux;
  • Built and maintained unit and integration tests (E2E) of Backend and Frontend;
  • Develop and maintained documentation and participate in agile alignment and ticket management meetings.

Atados, Brazil

Senior Backend Engineer

November 2020 to Present


  • Python,
  • Django,
  • Go,
  • Golang,
  • PostgreSQL,
  • Git,
  • GitFlow,
  • Docker,
  • Kubernetes,
  • Google Cloud Platform,
  • Camunda,
  • Celery.


  • Built and maintained of new functionalities of the main monolithic volunteering platform, built with Python and Django Rest Framework;
  • Mainly responsible for creating and managing the migration of a monolithic architecture platform to microservices using Go/Golang;
  • Built and maintained of platform integration services using Python and Go;
  • Write unit tests and E2E tests;
  • CI/CD pipeline implementation using GitHub Actions and GCP Cloud Build;
  • Debugging and resolving critical problems of applications and services;
  • Create and maintain project flow, code and architecture documentation;
  • Mentoring developers to achieve seniority with best practices;
  • Maintain implementation and configurations of Kubernetes deployment;
  • Development following the Agile Scrum methodology.

LEProjeto, Brazil, São Paulo

Full Stack Developer (Freelancer)

November 2019 to December 2022


  • Python,
  • Django Rest Framework,
  • JavaScript,
  • React Native,
  • Git,
  • GitFlow,
  • Docker,
  • PostgreSQL,
  • AWS (Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, S3, SES).


  • Responsible for building a REST API gamified teaching application using Python and Django Rest Framework;
  • Responsible for building a Mobile Application using JavaScript and React Native;
  • Built unit tests and E2E tests on Backend and Frontend;
  • Meetings and definitions with the designer and product teams;
  • Debugging and resolving of REST API and Mobile Application issues.

Próxima Porta, Brazil, Ribeirão Preto

Back-end Software Developer

November 2019 to November 2020


  • Python,
  • Git,
  • GitFlow,
  • Docker,
  • Zyte (Scrapinghub),
  • AWS (Chalice, S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, SNS, SQS, SES, SSM Parameter),
  • Elasticsearch.


  • Development of Web Crawlers to extract data from real estate websites using Python and Scrapy;
  • Built and maintained REST API using Python and AWS Chalice (Serverless) with a microservices architecture;
  • Built and maintained unit and integration tests using Pytest, Mocks and vcr;
  • Mentored and supported developers in unrolling out complex tasks and implementations;
  • Development following the Agile Scrum methodology, adapting and creating team routines.

Belga.io, Brazil, São Paulo

Software Developer Internship

January 2019 to November 2019


  • Python,
  • Git,
  • MySQL,
  • Google Cloud Platform,
  • Linux Server.


  • Development and maintenance of an opportunity calculation robot arbitration of crypto assets;
  • Construction of automation scripts for data extraction and standardization;
  • Project versioning using Git and Github;
  • Linux server management on Google Cloud Platform and Vultr.

W.M Company, Brazil, São Paulo

Self-Employed Full Stack Developer (Freelancer)

June 2017 to January 2019


  • Python,
  • Django,
  • Git,
  • HTML,
  • CSS,
  • JavaScript,
  • CorelDraw,
  • Photoshop.


  • Developer and Freelance Designer of websites and web platforms;
  • Creation of graphic arts and digital prints;
  • Development of Web Sites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript;
  • Development of Web Platforms using Python and Django.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto

September 2017 to February 2022


Certificate in Mechatronics, Mechatronics, Robotics and Control and Automation Engineering, ETEC - Escola Técnica Estadual de São Paulo

September 2014 to February 2016


Hardware, Computer and Hardware Technology, CEPRODESP

January 2010 to November 2010


High School, High School/Secondary Diplomas and Certificates, E. E. Prof. Bruno Pieroni

September 2009 to February 2011



October 2022 - January 2023
October 2022 - January 2023

Manage, built and maintained the Platform's main REST API using Python and Django Rest Framework;

Manage, built and maintained the main Web Application using JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Redux;

Built and maintained unit and integration tests (E2E) of Backend and Frontend;

Develop and maintained documentation and participate in agile alignment and ticket management meetings.

Account Payment and Account Receive REST API, built with Python and Django Rest Framework;

Frontend of the Account Payment and Account Receive web platform, built with React.

Identification and solution of problems in the frontend and backend;

Collaboration with the frontend and backend of the project in launch;

Contribution in the process of identifying and solving bugs in a recently launched project.

Technologies used:
Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Git, Javascript, TypeScript, React, Redux

Built and maintained of new functionalities of the main monolithic volunteering platform, built with Python and Django Rest Framework;

Mainly responsible for creating and managing the migration of a monolithic architecture platform to microservices using Go/Golang;

Built and maintained of platform integration services using Python and Go;

Write unit tests and E2E tests;

CI/CD pipeline implementation using GitHub Actions and GCP Cloud Build;

Debugging and resolving critical problems of applications and services;

Create and maintain project flow, code and architecture documentation;

Mentoring developers to achieve seniority with best practices;

Maintain implementation and configurations of Kubernetes deployment;

Development following the Agile Scrum methodology.

REST API of a volunteering platform, built with Python and Django Rest Framework;

Monolithic project migration to microservices using Go.

Organization and application of good practices in all code and architecture of projects, improving the development process;

Development of new architecture and construction of microservices, achieving greater performance and scalability of the platform;

Creation of an email sending service, to solve bottleneck problems in sending emails from the company's platform;

Migration of the main endpoint of the platform, obtaining a 10x performance of the old one.

Technologies used:
Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform
November 2019 - December 2022
November 2019 - December 2022

Responsible for building a REST API gamified teaching application using Python and Django Rest Framework;

Responsible for building a Mobile Application using JavaScript and React Native;

Built unit tests and E2E tests on Backend and Frontend;

Meetings and definitions with the designer and product teams;

Debugging and resolving of REST API and Mobile Application issues.

REST API of a gamified teaching mobile application. built with Python and Django Rest Framework;

Android mobile application for gamified teaching, built with React Native.

Architecture and construction of the entire API backend;

Architecture and construction of the entire Android mobile application;

Bug resolution, improving the performance of the API and the mobile application.

Technologies used:
Python, Django, Javascript, React Native, Git, Docker, PostgreSQL, AWS
Próxima Porta
November 2019 - November 2020
Próxima Porta
November 2019 - November 2020

Development of Web Crawlers to extract data from real estate websites using Python and Scrapy;

Built and maintained REST API using Python and AWS Chalice (Serverless) with a microservices architecture;

Built and maintained unit and integration tests using Pytest, Mocks and vcr;

Mentored and supported developers in unrolling out complex tasks and implementations;

Development following the Agile Scrum methodology, adapting and creating team routines.

Web Crawler to extract data from real estate websites;

REST API in microservices architecture, built with Python and AWS Chalice (lambda).

Automation of CI/CD processes, improving process quality;

Construction of code pattern, improving the development process;

Architecture definition participation with new ideas for API development.

Technologies used:
Python, Git, Docker, AWS
January 2019 - November 2019
January 2019 - November 2019

Development and maintenance of an opportunity calculation robot arbitration of crypto assets;

Construction of automation scripts for data extraction and standardization;

Project versioning using Git and Github;

Linux server management on Google Cloud Platform and Vultr.

Robot for searching and executing opportunities in cryptocurrency operations.

Server management and monitoring.

Configuration and organization of infrastructure on servers for better performance and monitoring;

Technologies used:
Python, Git, MySQL, Google Cloud Platform, Linux
March 2017 - January 2019
March 2017 - January 2019

Developer and Freelance Designer of websites and web platforms;

Creation of graphic arts and digital prints;

Development of Web Sites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript;

Development of Web Platforms using Python and Django.

Construction of websites and web platforms.

Identification and resolution of problems;

Development of new systems, improving the customer process.

Technologies used:
Python, Django, Git, HTML, CSS, Javascript