
Benchmark Java Applications using JMH

In this article, we will introduce JMH as a tool to benchmark your Java applications. We will discuss on how to leverage JMH for performance insights of your Java application.


React Lesson 4: Homework. Decorators and Mixins

As we saw in the previous article, decorators are just the Higher-Order components that add extra functionality to the passed component and return a new enhanced component. Before we get to our homework, let’s dive deep and understand how decorators and mixins work.


List of Coding Games to Practice & Improve Your Programming Skills

In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best online games to learn new programming languages and practice your existing programming skills. Some of those are beginner only, others may seem far advanced at the start, but give it a go, and you’ll thank us later. If we forgot to mention something, or you’re building a cool game of your own, do let us know in the comments! Happy learning!


Form Validation in Vue Using Vuelidate

Collecting data from users is an important feature in web applications. The best approach is to make use of forms, which involves the user entering their information which will be stored in a database