It goes without saying that the remote workforce trend and so-called “telecommuting” is becoming more and more popular every day. Some employers are already disappointed about it, others are doubting it can work well for their businesses and only few utilize telecommuting opportunities at its full capacity.
UpWork Profile Maintenance
Hey all! This article will be devoted to your UpWork profile maintenance.
If you already have an UpWork profile, you will have to delete it for the reason the UpWork administration can block both of your profiles in case of finding more than one of them.
How We are Looking for Proposals on UpWork
1. What technologies stack is it better to select when searching for an order at UpWork?
At the present time our team specializes in JavaScript development. That is why our orders must comply with our specialization. The majority of our team members know several programming languages. Is it necessary to take it into account?