
Operating Systems Showdown: Windows vs. macOS vs. Linux for Web Development

On the surface, all operating systems are equally capable of performing web dev-related tasks: after all, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are universal and require no proprietary IDE. As we take a closer look, however, we start to see the intricacies of each OS (e.g. file structure and app support) and how they affect the development process. In this article, we will examine these intricacies and outline the pros and cons of each OS in the web development sphere.


5 Critical Tips for Designing Your First Website

Tackling the challenge of designing your first website can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. Luckily, learning web design with the current state of the Internet is far more simple. I recommend you give it a try. Here are a few critical pieces of advice to get you started:


Sass vs. Less: Which CSS Preprocessor to Choose in 2019?

CSS preprocessor is a scripting superset of CSS that makes writing CSS code easier. Although these tools are similar, different web developers go for different options — and in this article, we’ll explore if Sass or Less is the best fit for you.


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There are full service engage company is to provide solution for employees needs training manage the entire HR department for companies. We offer comprehensive employment services such as assistance


16 Best Web Development & Web Design Blogs

If you’re looking for new people or blogs to follow, then this article will certainly throw in some ideas on the latest (and sometimes oldest but, nevertheless, regularly updated) resources on web development and design.


Introduction to Micro Frontends: The New Tech on the Block

Like with all powerful technologies, micro frontends often cause confusion among developers, as evidenced by the ever so popular search queries like “What are micro frontends?” It may be tempting to try and ignore it, but then you’ll be missing out on the amazing opportunities that micro frontends provide — after all, they’re not just a hip trend to follow. In this article, we’ll explore what micro frontends are, what benefits they can bring, how they can be used, and what caveats and pitfalls they pose.


5 Essential SEO Tips for Web Developers

Proficiency in SEO is absolutely vital for today’s web developers: using the right tools and HTML tags, you can ensure that your content actually reaches its audience. In this article, we’ll explore 5 essential SEO tips you can utilize to improve your SEO game!