Testing is a very important aspect of web application development. It can help reveal bugs before they appear and also instill confidence in your web application, especially during its launch. In this article, we will explore jsdom and AVA testing frameworks while writing tests for the Nuxt application.
Build Real-World React Native App #9 : Implementing Remove Ads Feature
One of the simplest ways to make money from apps is through Advertisements. Hence, we have a popular ads network for mobile that is Admob. There are many ways to implement ads in our app. We can simply pick some ideas from the play store and implement them.
Building a Pokedex with Next.js
Next.js is a framework for building static and dynamic React apps. It’s production-ready and ships with handy features to get your app up and running in no-time. Next.js offers different ways of fetch
How to Add Custom Fonts in Flutter
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to add the custom font to our Flutter app. The integration will work for both Android as well as iOS platforms. The steps are simple and easy to understand. We are going to make use of Google Fonts to download the required fonts which we are going to integrate into our project.
Optimizing Graphql Data Queries with Data Loader
When building any scalable application, performance, as well as speed, are important factors to consider. Hence optimization is crucial. There are numerous optimization techniques you should consider when working with GraphQL servers, but the most common is the caching technique which returns persistent data, and also the batching technique which reduces the number of round trips your server makes to the database.
Node.js Lesson 14: Asynchronous Development
Asynchronous Operation refers to the flow of execution when something doesn’t follow the line by line execution of code but waits for some time. Set timeout is a general of an asynchronous task. What happens when you create a timeout task?
Build Real-World React Native App #8 : implement Dark mode
In this chapter, we are going to implement a new feature in our app. The feature is called dark mode which is very prevalent in the app nowadays. The dark mode is configured into any app to make it night friendly or low light friendly.
Using Feature Flags for A/B Testing & Optionally Enable/Disable Features in Your NodeJS Project
Feature flags make it possible to write A/B tests and to enable or disable features inside your app on-the-fly. This is highly beneficial when testing or rolling out new features.
How to use the redux dev tools to speed up development and debugging
Redux dev tools are development tools used to debug Redux-based applications. In this article, we’ll learn more about how this tool aids the development and debugging of applications.
Building a WordPress Website with React (Frontity)
According to W3tech, nearly 35% of the websites over the internet are powered by WordPress. The development of WordPress has always been center around PHP, but as the use of headless CMS grows, you can now seamlessly build fast websites with React and WordPress using a framework like Frontity.