Placeholders are an essential addition to the overall UI of any app. They enable us to show the temporary image or text until the actual data loads. Using them, users can know that the content is yet to load in the section placeholders are shown.
Build Real-World React Native App #3: Home Screen With React Native Paper
In this chapter, we are going to implement the overall UI for the Home Screen in the Home.js file. Here, we are going to simply fetch data from the WordPress API and display the data on the Home screen as FlatList.
Build Real-world React Native App #2: React navigation and React native vector icons
In this chapter, we use React navigation version 5 for bootstrap app navigation and create a blank screen to show how it works finally we setup react native vector icons for add icon to tabs.
Getting started with Next.js
Next.js is a React framework that allows you to build both client and server-side apps. It ships with handy features such as routing, static exporting, server rendering, internationalization.
Build Real-world React Native App #1: Splash screen and App Icon
In the first step, we are going to implement the Splash Screen using the latest version of React Native and plugins. Major steps in this tutorial are going to take place in Xcode as we need to configure the iOS part of the app for displaying the Splash Screen.
Build Real-world React Native App #0: Overview & Requirement
This series for beginner to intermediate level React Native developers will guide you to build a simple app that serves post from WordPress API. It covers essential topics in the React Native development cycle such as React Hook, React Navigation, Dark mode, Offline handler, In-app purchase, and Admob.
How to create a Github Jobs app using React, Apollo, and GraphQL – Part #2
In this second part, we will be building the client-side app using React.js and Apollo Client to get our full-stack Github Jobs App.
Create simple POS with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB #17: Stat screen
Now, we are going to implement the final chapter for this tutorial series where we are implementing a graphical representation section on our dashboard screen. In the dashboard screen, we are going o display the statistics from the database using the react-chart.js library.
How to write effective tests for React apps with react testing library?
Testing might seem like extra work at first. Why write tests when you could be delivering features for your application? Writing tests may seem like unproductive work that doesn’t add any immediate value to your project.
Create simple POS with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB #16: Order Screen
In this chapter, we are going to create an order page. The order page displays the products and the calculator to help calculate the total price. Finally, we will save the transaction to the database.