
Automated Postgresql Backups with NodeJS and Bash

The database is the holy grail of your application, but, given the unpredictable nature of software, you should always be prepared for the possibility of media, hardware and software failures. If any of these failures occurs, the main objective should be to ensure the database is back up and running as fast as possible while minimizing user disruption and simultaneously ensuring there is no data loss.


Getting started with Next.js

Next.js is a React framework that allows you to build both client and server-side apps. It ships with handy features such as routing, static exporting, server rendering, internationalization.


Node.js Lesson 10: Nodejs as a Web Server

We going to learn how to create a web server using the HTTP module. We will learn more about this module and use our knowledge about EventEmitter from the previous lesson. We will also see how to serve an HTML file from the webserver we created. Let’s start.


Building Mobile Apps With Vue3 and Ionic

Ionic is an open-source UI framework and toolkit that helps developers build highly efficient and performant apps for native iOS, Android, and the web (PWA). On October 15th, 2020, the Ionic team announced the official release of Ionic-vue, a new way of building applications using the two technologies you already love: Ionic and Vuejs.


Build Real-world React Native App #0: Overview & Requirement

This series for beginner to intermediate level React Native developers will guide you to build a simple app that serves post from WordPress API. It covers essential topics in the React Native development cycle such as React Hook, React Navigation, Dark mode, Offline handler, In-app purchase, and Admob.


Node.js Lesson 8: Inheritance from Errors, Error

Today we are going to talk about error handling in Nodejs with the help of inheritance. We will see what are general problems that can arise and how to solve. We will also learn how to print the stack trace of an issue to provide a better debugging experience to the developer