UpWork Profile Maintenance

Hey all! This article will be devoted to your UpWork profile maintenance. If you already have an UpWork profile, you will have to delete it for the reason the UpWork administration can block both of your profiles in case of finding more than one of them.

Category: Remote Job

Project Manager Role

So, who is he? In short, the key task of a project manager is to connect developers with a client. In general, it is quite simple. However, you can find a number of obstacles and challenges behind this simplicity. Let us talk about them.

Category: Regulations

Basic Principles and Rules of Our Team

Self-sufficiency, responsibility, punctuality, and proactivity (within our technological stack). Every employee can and must introduce all issues and offers he/she is interested in at the general meeting along with other employees.

Category: Regulations

JavaScript / Node.js Tools

Editor. Description of the editors can be found here. I personally use WebStorm. The IDE highlights the code syntax, indicates errors, there is the possibility to connect to FTP, SFTP, and much more.

Category: Programming

Git – Recommendations for “Soshace” Team

The main things that I would like to draw your attention to: 1) The commit should exactly match the name. And the title should make clear what exactly you’ve pushed. 2) A good commit should fit the screen, one does not have to scroll it for too long to understand what you have done.


Code Style

The main things that I would like to draw your attention to: 1) The names variables and methods should be clear and concise, don't skimp on characters. 2) Methods should not exceed 30-40 lines, they are intended for solving a single specific task, and poor methods do everything.

Category: Programming

How We are Looking for Proposals on UpWork

1. What technologies stack is it better to select when searching for an order at UpWork? At the present time our team specializes in JavaScript development. That is why our orders must comply with our specialization. The majority of our team members know several programming languages. Is it necessary to take it into account?

Category: Remote Job

Work With the Customer

Check what you write. Mind the tenses and forms. Check in translate.google.com or ask colleagues for help. The style and spelling of your writing form the impression of you and your team as a whole. You can agree that the phrase “I work Java scrpt, me have large experience work” sounds ridiculous. Our customer reads the same when you forget about tenses and forms of verbs.

Category: Tips

Task Estimation

First of all, I’d like to mention that everything described below is based on the real experience and is not my personal wishes. In order to correctly estimate the task, it is necessary to make the following steps in relation to the project:


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